Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport for the second time in a row won the prestigious magazine Condé Nast Traveller in the category "Best Russian Airport 2014".

As can be seen from the official press release for several months readers of Condé Nast Traveller vote on the website and in the magazine questionnaires to ten nominations to determine the best Russian and foreign hotels, airlines, airports, and the most favorite city gosteprii mnuyu country . "Sheremetyevo Airport in the last few years has made notable progress and implemented a large-scale program of development - both in infrastructure and quality of service customers . We are honored to again qualify for the title of best airport in Russia according to the Condé Nast Traveller . It's especially nice that this choice was made by readers, that is our passengers and guests, those for whom we work, and who uses our services on a daily basis, "the director of the Directorate for the Organization of Passenger Transportation aair commented on the victory Sheremetyevo port Dmitry Kaygorodov .

Recall that in late February Sheremetyevo won another title - the best European airport for the quality of passenger service

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