Add a review about the Savvinsk monastery

If you think that the main attraction of the city of Zvenigorod is the famous Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery, then you are mistaken. This is not the case: most of all in the city itself is not known, but the Savvinsky monastery.

Saint Savva Storozhevsky himself, according to tradition, retired from his teacher, Sergius of Radonezh, and settled on the bank of the river Storozhka near Zvenigorod in complete seclusion . However, the glory of the saint did not allow him to live one long, and very soon he was surrounded by numerous novices. Savva set an example of his brotherhood, personally carried water from Storozhka to the monastery that he had built.

Since then, about 600 years have passed, and the cave of the Monk Savva, which he dug himself on the bank of the river, is still popular . Nearby from it beats the holy spring, now with it there is a font . On the site of the cave of the Monk Savva staged a church and cells for 4 monks in the late 19th century .Later, there were five more wooden cells, a home church was built there, dedicated to Nikolai the Wonderworker. . The territory expanded, new buildings were built, but everything, as always, then ended with a revolution: the buildings were demolished, the monastery itself became the place where they were quartered military unit . At the end of the 20th century, before the collapse of the USSR, an auto enterprise was organized here .

If you think that the famous landmark of Zvenigorod is the famous Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery, then you are mistaken. This is not the case: most of all in the city itself is not known, but the Savvinsky monastery.

Currently, the Savvinsky monastery is being restored, the beautiful Sava church from red brick with elements of white stone has been restored. The brotherly building was also restored, all repaired and painted, the complex is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church. It's easy to get to the Savvinsky monastery - it's a mile and a half from the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery.

Excellent photos will be obtained if you do not turn on the sign "To the skete", but go ahead and go down on foot. The road leads to the monastery at a slope of 50 degrees, you will see a cliff from one and the forest on the other side.