One of the oldest shopping centers in Donetsk is the "Donetsk Central Department Store", which is located at . Artema Street, 34 . It was opened in the distant 1937, but is still one of the beloved shops of the townspeople . It is clear, that the layout of this store is much inferior to modern shopping centers, but it does not make it less attractive. . In the end, he was for a long time one of the flagships of Soviet trade in Donetsk and a kind of guarantor of the quality of goods sold . Actually, and now in goods are sold only about loyal to the time of the famous producers .

SEC "Donetsk City", opened in the city more recently at the address . Artema, 130, almost immediately got into the list of attractive places for shopping and recreation . Here you can find shops as well as young Ukrainian designers, a round-the-clock grocery store, household appliances and electronics stores . Multiplex cinema, children's play area, bowling center, ice rink, food court make shopping here not an exercise, rather, a pleasant . mall has convenient s access roads from almost any district of the city and parking for private cars .

 Manikins in the windows of Donetsk shops  Shops of Donetsk
 Shopping mall in Donetsk  Shops of Donetsk
 Donetsk market  Shops of Donetsk

The street . Artema, 51a is another shopping and office center, beloved by the citizens - Green Plaza . The facade of the building is made of green glass, and the interiors of the interior are decorated with a lot of greenery and decorative elements of various shades of green . Floors from 4 to 20 are reserved for office premises and have a separate entrance from Sadovaya Street . Floors from the first to the third occupy a variety of shops, children's entertainment center, 5D-attraction, beauty salons, cafes and restaurants . For regular customers in Green Plaza developed from bstvennaya discount program .

In 1961 the building was covered market was built. It has a centric composition, and the dome is the embodiment of a witty engineering solution. For its time, the architecture of the market building was very bold, and to this day this object is a landmark of the city. Like the other major grocery markets of the city, the Covered Market has become a less important place for shopping, but has not ceased to be an interesting tourist site.

Donetsk City

Fur coats in Donetsk

In Donetsk you can buy a fur coat for little money, but the quality of it leaves much to be desired. There is an opinion that most of the fur products sold in Donetsk shops are of poor quality in China.

A long fur coat from a beaver with a hood can not cost 6-7 thousand hryvnia . hryvnia, since its fur is considered to be one of the most expensive - so much will cost a fur coat from nutria . The same rule applies to fur coats from chinchilla that can not cost 4-5 thousand .hryvnia - one skin of this animal is estimated at $ 100 . Most often a chinchilla fur coat is given a very similar fur to a rabbit "rex" . A fur coat from a muton will cost 5 thousand . hryvnia, and a longer fur coat - 7 thousand . Mink is much more expensive: sheepskin coat - from 12 thousand ., fur coat to the knee - up to 25 thousand . hryvnia . Rabbit fur coat can be bought for 5 thousand . hryvnia .

Here are some simple rules, so as not to be deceived when buying fur coats:

  • Check fur: if the fur is not painted, then by expanding it, you can see the white skin. If it is dyed, the skins will be the same color as the wool.
  • Check how well the stitches are sewn. The seams should be neat and thin, parallel to each other, of the same length and barely noticeable.
  • Pay attention to the "elasticity" of the fur coat when flexing. Than the fur coat is tougher, the worse the material is processed.