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Langstrasse - a place of grass and not touristy, but truly . For many years this area confidently held the palm tree for the level of urban crime . In 2001, the authorities of Zurich got fed up with this and they launched the program "Langstrasse Plus" aimed at cleaning up the street and at least partially ennobling it . At the Langstrasse, concept houses and art galleries with exhibitions of works by young designers began to open . Since then it has become a little safer and more visible in appearance, but by the number of presses Langstrasse continues to lead . This is the center of drug trafficking, the corresponding dens, brothels and taverns .

Visiting the most criminal street in Switzerland - everyday evening promenade compared to some sleeping areas of Russian cities

Langstrasse like photographers, seeking to show in their work "real life" or burdens of immigrants in large cities . The latest here is more than enough: over 40% of the local population - visitors . Tourists Langstrasse do not like very much, frightened at this account by the Swiss themselves . There are several hotels in the district, and there is unlikely to happen anything bad this afternoon . But at night the borders of strict Swiss legality here are somewhat blurred, and for your own safety it is necessary to answer yourself . True, who it can be said that, in comparison with some sleeping areas of Russian cities, visiting the most criminal street of a prosperous Switzerland is nothing more than an everyday evening promenade .

Unlike their colleagues in many other countries, cabaret dancers and priestesses of love with Langstrasse poz lyayut touch him. But without serious intentions, it's better not to cross the line.

Benches, bars, Asian eateries and striptease establishments here are original and meet at every step. They do not look as entertaining and fun as in Amsterdam, but they more closely resemble native places to the inhabitants of our megacities. Right on the sidewalk, there are marginal elements with beer, punk dogs and dogs are ruffled, beggars beg for alms. In the windows there are pornography and a full assortment of sex toys, as well as blatantly counterfeit dresses from Chanel and Dior.

The history of the district began from poor neighborhoods where the factory workers' families settled . The spirit of discontent prevailed among the residents and the socialist sentiments prevailed . @ On the central square of the Helvetia quarter, May Day demonstrations took place . And since 1996, the Langstrassefest Street Music Festival has been held here, which is actively supported by the "Langstrasse Plus" campaign . Festival lasts two days on the weekend, and on their length in the area of ​​the square and the surrounding streets are poured and drunk, put on a snack directly on tables in the open air, and also play music in that much or just make noise .

Streets during Langstrassenfest

Langstrassefest is organized as a celebration of citizens of Zurich - Swiss citizens and is held every year, but every two years. With him, the Longstreet carnival alternates, and this is something very similar - only created by immigrants and for immigrants. Finally, the Kalente Festival, one of the largest Latin festivals in Europe, has been held here since 1995.

 Langstrasse, Zurich  Langstrasse