Chita is located deep in Siberia, beyond Lake Baikal, surrounded by hills on the shores of Lake Kenon and the Chita River . Chita itself can not be called a particularly tourist city . There are not such outstanding sights, museums and cultural institutions here; preserved some amount of old merchant houses from the old buildings (they are being actively destroyed by new buildings), but you will not fly to Siberia because of the houses . But Chita makes sense to use it as a transit point or a base for traveling around the Trans-Baikal Territory , where there really is something to study and what to see . Here the Decembrists were in exile, here many places are connected with the legend about Genghis Khan . Here is the Pallas mountain, marking the watershed between the Arctic and Pacific oceans .

Planning a trip to the outskirts of Chita, you should pay attention to the most interesting natural attractions, which are really many here.

A little history

Chita was founded in 1653 as a wintering station. In 1851, Chita was recognized as a city, and within two years of the revolution it was even the capital of the Far Eastern Republic. In the old part of the city there is still a square-grid layout, which arose here in the 1860's. in accordance with the master plan of development. Until 2008 Chita remained the capital of the Chita region, but then the region was turned into the Trans-Baikal Territory. The headquarters of the Siberian Military District have also been removed from Chita: it happened in 2010

How to get there

Chita is a major transportation hub of the Trans-Siberian Railway and federal highways "Amur" and "Baikal". In addition, there is an international airport, where you can fly from Moscow by several airlines (Ural Airlines, S7 Siberia, etc.) in six hours.

Search for air tickets in Chita

Weather in Chita

 Chita March 1, Sunday
- 8 ° C in the afternoon
- 19 ° C at night
° C water
 Chita March 2, Monday
Cloudy, light snow
- 12 ° С in the afternoon
- 17 ° С at night
° С water
 Chita March 3, Tuesday
- 12 ° C in the day
- 20 ° C at night
° C water
Weather forecast in Chita on 10 days

Razv treatment, excursions and places of interest Chita

One of the main purely architectural attractions of Chita can be called the Shumovsky Palace, built in 1913 by brothers-gold miners. It is really magnificent and beautiful building. Other places of interest are Lenin Square, a monument to Peter Beketov (the legendary founder of Chita) and pioneers, a sculptured deer, the house of architect Nikitin. And, of course, Titovskaya hill on the edge of the city on which stands the chapel of Alexander Nevsky built in 2001.

Among the famous natives of Chita are actors Vitaly and Yuri Solominy and well-known jazz performer O. Lundstrem

In the heart of Chita in 2013 they established a monument to the cat scientist. I must say, quite impressive: the weight of a stone cat is already two centners. The cat sits on a bench on the main avenue of the Officers' Park and, frankly speaking, reminds not so much of the scholar as the schooly Behemoth Bulgakov.

Chita's churches

The main church of Chita is the cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God that was built in 2004 It is a majestic and beautiful sky-blue building made of bricks, whose architectural style resembles the Russian-Byzantine middle of the 19th century. The Chita Cathedral is the largest in Siberia and the Far East. The height of its dome exceeds 45 m, and the weight of the main bell is 10 tons (this is the heaviest bell in that part of Russia that stretches from the Ural Ridge and to the Pacific Ocean).


Much less monumental, but at least interesting church of the Resurrection of Christ, built as early as 1851 . as a Roman Catholic church . The Orthodox Church took the church in 1945 . and since then until the 1980s . remained the only Orthodox church in the region, and for ten years at the turn of the century, before the construction of the current cathedral, performed its functions . The church of Luke is small, but beautiful, founded in 1881 . and rebuilt in 2012 . And the oldest church in the city is a two-storeyed church of Michael the Archangel (the same as Staro-Chita), built in 1776 . It is considered a unique monument of wooden architecture, but now it does not function as a temple: the Decembrists Museum is located in the church .

Chita can be called "Russian Jerusalem": only in these two cities of the world on one hill there are temples of three religious currents: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. I must say that now in the sense of the diversity of religious buildings in the city, everything is all right: in 2010, a consecration of the Buddhist datsan "Damba Braibunling" was built in Chita, which was built for nine years.

Neighborhoods of Chita

Planning a trip around the outskirts of Chita , it is worth paying attention to the most interesting natural attractions, which really are a lot of . In particular, the salty Borzinskoe Lake, the caves of Khatai, the most extensive in the Trans-Baikal Territory, Kandalinskie cliffs-palaces and a stunning natural complex from the chain Orei lakes . Very popular among travelers is Lake Arakhley, surrounded by tourist bases on all sides . This is a large reservoir of about 55 sq. km . km and about 10 km long with sandy beaches and a bottom where you can swim since June and before the beginning of autumn . Thanks to the sand and the fact that the lake is not very deep, the water is warming up well in the summer . Here is a wonderful ecology, and it is successfully diluted with the opportunities to entertain culturally and not very much, which are provided by local organizations . Therefore on Arakhley often travel all over family, renting one of the houses nearby .


The best souvenirs from Chita are those that are somehow connected with the Siberian nature. It can be all kinds of birch bark boxes and bodies, or, if more expensive, semi-precious stones.