Mihailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery
Yuriev-Polsky, st. Vladimirskaya St. Michael's Archangel Monastery, one can say, the same age as the other main monastery of St. George's - St. George's Cathedral, also built in the 13th century. But unlike his "colleague", the monastery fell a lot of tests.
Golitsyn Estate in Yuryev-Polsky
Yuryevo-Polsky district, p. Sima Once in Yuriev-Polsky, do not forget to visit the famous Golitsyn estate. The estate is located not in the city itself, but about 20 kilometers from it, in the village of Sima. The road will take a little time, especially since you will have to go on a direct and well paved road.
St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky
Krasnoarmeysky Lane Georgievsky the cathedral, not counting the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery, is the main attraction of St. George's. The white-stone church was erected here almost 800 years ago by the grandson of Yuri Dolgoruky - Prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich.
Nikitskaya church in St. George's-Polish
ul. Naberezhnaya The church of Nikita the Martyr, or simply Nikitskaya church in St. George's-Polish was built in the late 18th century. Today, the temple of beauty is not inferior, perhaps, to no Orthodox sight of the city. Performed in the style of classicism Nikitskaya church has an elegant structure.
Monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Yuriev-Polsky
ul. Krasnooktyabrskaya Yuriev-Polsky was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky and therefore there is a special attraction in the city. It is a granite monument made in the form of a figure of Dolgoruky. The stone prince stands on the pedestal, with his right hand he leans slightly on the sword, and with his left holds the edge of the cloak.
Church of the Nativity in Yuryev-Polsky
Avangardsky per., There are many Orthodox sights in St. George's, but the Church of the Nativity deserves special attention. The white-stone church with six domes was erected in the 18th century. The church was built on the site of the former church and consecrated in honor of the brothers Cosmas and Damian.
When arriving in Yuriev-Polsky, tourists first of all aspire to visit St. George's Cathedral. And do it for a reason, since the temple without exaggeration - a real treasure of the city. The stone walls of St. George's Cathedral are decorated with a unique carving: ancient sculptors depicted famous biblical subjects and many Orthodox saints.
The second place in the list of the most visited sights of St. George's -Polsky occupies the Michael-Archangel Monastery. The abode is located on the territory of the surviving Kremlin in the neighborhood with three existing temples of the city.
Once in Yuriev-Polsky (by the way, only 180 kilometers from Moscow), you should visit the monument to the founder of the city - Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Continue the tour can be on such attractions as the Church of the Nativity of Christ and the Nikitsky Temple. These Orthodox sites also have a rich history and are not inferior in beauty to other shrines.
Of course, you should not wait for a luxurious mansion to appear (after all it was over 200 years old), but to get acquainted with the estate of the Golitsyn family and the museum working under it interesting.