The Italian Palace in Kronstadt
Kronshtadt, st. Макаровская, 3 Alexander Menshikov, the first governor of Kronstadt, had three palaces. This one is the most luxurious one. It was built in the 17th century and in our time has become an architectural monument. The palace was the official residence of the friend of Peter I.
Summer Garden in Kronstadt
The Summer Garden in Kronstadt can not be called an exact copy of St. Petersburg's brother, but it's still cozy and nice here. It is also called Peter's - in the early 18th century the garden was founded by the Emperor Peter the Great. The main alley in the garden used to be the very first street of the city.
Maritime Nikolsky Cathedral
Anchor Square, 1, Kronstadt The prototype of this cathedral is the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Constantinople. Marine - one of the most important sights of Kronstadt. It was erected on the Anchor Square in the early 20th century and was conceived as a memorial temple to all the dead seamen
Fort "Emperor Alexander I"
Kronshtadt, St. Petersburg There are many interesting forts in the Kronstadt fortress, but this is the most remarkable. From the outside it looks like a French Fort Bayard from a famous TV program. Other similar structures are located in English Plymouth and on the coast of South Carolina in the USA. True, the cousins are smaller than "Alexander I."
Kronstadt looks a bit like St. Petersburg, for nothing that is a suburb of the Northern capital. There is a summer garden, dark with moisture and wind house and channel, which resembles the letter P. However, in the "fortress" and more green space, the city is not so puts pressure on someone like Big Brother.
The history of the city is connected with wars. They say that the most desperate and freedom-loving sailors served here. It is no accident that in Kronstadt there is a monument to Marinescu. This submarine, hero of the Soviet Union differed wayward character and not "fit into the frame."
Many attractions Kronstadt severely damaged after a fire in the mid-18th and floods at the beginning of the 19th centuries. Great damage to the city was inflicted by German aviation during the Second World War. Local authorities, as they could, restored the buildings, which are now architectural monuments.