Add a review about Khan Mosque in Kasimov

As Ryazan Kremlin in Ryazan, Khan Mosque in Kasimov is considered a center of tourist attention and perhaps the main purpose of a visit to this cozy provincial town. The snow-white mosque, proudly rising on the Tatar mountain, is a silent witness of the times of the khan's principality in Kasimov. Climbing the steps of the ancient spiral staircase, you will get to the minaret, from which a breathtaking panoramic view opens.

Khan Mosque in Kasimov is considered the center of tourist attention and perhaps the main purpose of a visit to this cozy provincial town.

Historical facts

There is no exact data on the authorship of the Khan mosque in Kasimov at the moment . According to one version, the mosque in the 15th century was built by the ruler of the Kasimov Khanate Prince Kasim, on the other, the mosque was erected in the middle of the 16th century by the khan Shah Ali . In addition, there is a version that they are both involved in the construction: under the Khan of Shah Ali, the first mosque of Tsarevich Kasim was simply rebuilt. . One can affirm with certainty: only the minaret was preserved from the ancient building, and the mosque itself was dismantled at the behest of Peter I , which, as the legends say, about sailing along the Oka past the mosque, took her for the church and crossed himself . Having realized the oversight, the king was angry and ordered to remove the Horde temple from the eyes .

Catherine II was a wise ruler and agreed to restore the mosque on the same foundation. At the end of the 18th century a stone one-storeyed mosque with a four-slope roof was built, and in the beginning of the 19th century the building was built up with a second floor made of bricks, the interior was trimmed with marble. In this form, the Khan mosque has survived to this day

The mosque in the 20th century

In 1938 a small museum of local lore was opened in the Khan mosque, its exhibits reveal the secrets of the mysterious eastern life to visitors and help, as far as possible, to approach a stranger culture. Old ornaments, newspapers, books in the old language, clothes and everyday life, religious attributes are kept here.

Khan Mosque in Kasimov

The second floor is given for the prayer hall, its interior, characteristic for the beginning of the 20th century, has survived to this day. Occasionally, Kasimov's Muslims meet in this mosque, but more often they gather in another, "new" mosque built in 1906

When leaving the mosque, pay attention to the sculpture that supports the fence in the park. The sculpture depicts the khan sitting with the cup. From where it appeared, nobody knows, but the legend has got accustomed to it, that this is Prince Kasim.

In November 2013, the mosque was solemnly handed over to the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the European part of Russia.

How to get there

@ Address: Kasimov, Victory Square, 9.

Phone: +7 (49-131) 2-20-61.

To make an electric train from Moscow to get to Kasimov, you will have to make an intermediate transplant in Ryazan . @ Tourists from Ryazan in this regard are somewhat simpler . Every day at 6:55 from the Ryazan railway station is sent an electric train "Ryazan-1 - Pichkiryaevo" go to "Shilovo" station and at 9:55 am to change to diesel to Kasimov . In addition, you can take the night train: at 19:10 from Ryazan sent to train "Ryazan-1 - Sasovo ", Also we leave at the station" Shilovo ", from which at 21:35 you will be picked up by the diesel engine to Kasimov (arrival at 23:54) .