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55 km from Yeisk in the Yasensky zakaznik is located the Khan lake, which is famous for its medical mud. This natural monument is one of the most popular local attractions. The salt lake occupies a rather large area - its length is 16 km, width - 7 km. But the depth of the Khan lake is on average less than a meter. That is why in the summer its depth reaches only 5-10 cm, and during the drought the lake completely dies out altogether.

14 species of birds, living on the Khan lake, are listed in the Red Book. In addition, there are about 700 kinds of medicinal plants growing here

Earlier on the Khan lake they extracted salt . But after it became known about the medicinal properties of mud baths, tourists were attracted here . At the beginning of the 20th century there was a big the influx of travelers . For example, in 1915, . Yeisk and Khan lake were visited by slightly less than 60 thousand . person . After a year, those who wish to become healthier at local resorts became twice as many .And already in 1921 . here the first mud baths were opened . It is especially useful to stay on the Khan lake for people suffering from diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as those who have problems with the skin and locomotor apparatus . True, the smell is specific - the smell smells of hydrogen sulphide . Yeysk sanatoriums use dirt very actively during treatment procedures .

Khan lake

In addition, it is very interesting here. In the vicinity of the pond there are many birds: pelicans, flamingos, caves, cormorants, gulls and others. 14 species of birds, living in this area, are listed in the Red Book. In addition, there are about 700 kinds of medicinal plants growing here

The Khan lake is also called Tatarskii

There is a version that the name of the reservoir appeared not accidentally . At the time when the Kuban belonged to the Crimean Khanate, all the money from salt extraction on the lake took himself a khan . Therefore, perhaps, behind the lake and fixed this name . There is also a legend, which tells how the khan discovered the curative properties of the reservoir . On the way home from a long hike the lord decided to swim in The lake, near which his army o thanes overnight . Coming out of the water, Khan discovered that he had become a much better feel - tired completely passed .Then he ordered to build a palace on this place and often came here to improve his health with the help of muddy baths .

Water in the Khan lake is highly mineralized, bitter-salty taste. In summer, the water becomes 12 times saline than in the Sea of ​​Azov. When the lake dries, a thin layer of salt remains at the bottom.

It's easy to get to the Khansky Lake - you can go alone or take a tour. It is located between the villages "Yasenskaya" and "Kopanska."

 View on the Khan lake, Yeisk  Khan lake
View of the Khan lake
 @ Khan lake, Yeisk  Khan lake
Khan lake