View of St. Petersburg from the colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral

Legendary "excursions on the roofs of St. Petersburg", which tourists before learned or on the Internet or on the plastered ads in the city acquired an official status.

The youth of St. Petersburg College at a regular meeting chose ten points in the city center, on which the future will take sightseeing tours . Most of them are stationed on the Neva prospectus and the rest - along the quays . Unlike illegal trips organized by local "Rufer", licensed tour will be operated only by a roof of security, in compliance with all safety regulations . colleagues have already managed to reach an agreement with the owners of the selected objects, and now its representatives are waiting for a decision from the City Tourism Committee .

Nevertheless, some lovers of authentic St. Petersburg leisure expressed doubts about the success of the planned project: walks on the roofs of the North th capital have always been associated with a special romantic adventure, and their way out of the underground will erase not only romance, but in general interest in such events.

September 4, 2013
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