Add review Tauride Palace

In the 18th century, the Tavrichesky Palace was the suburban residence of the influential favorite of Empress Catherine II Grigory Potemkin . Thanks to his talent as a military strategist, the Crimea-Tavrida peninsula . was added to this place. From here the prefix to the prince's name and the name of the palace received as a reward - Tavrichesky . For two centuries the palace has been reworked many times . And now the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS member countries is "lodging" at the entrance, metal detectors and security are met . But today Tavrichesky is an outstanding monument itektury, history and culture of St. Petersburg, and tourists meet here of different nationalities .

The exterior laconism of the palace in the Catherine's times contrasted with the rich interior decoration. Potemkin arranged luxurious receptions in his residence. The most outstanding ball, in the style of "Thousand and One Nights", he organized to return Catherine, carried away by a new favorite, but the Empress took him for a farewell party.

Potemkin was here rarely, but on occasion always arranged lush receptions. The most outstanding ball, in the style of "Thousand and One Nights," he organized to return Catherine, carried away by a new favorite, but the Empress took him for a farewell party.

Prince Grigory Potyomkin came from a poor family. Nevertheless, thanks to his mind and well-established circumstances, he managed to make a brilliant career. To all other Grigory Alexandrovich was able to place Catherine II in his place and became her favorite. In 1782, Potemkin served as Governor-General in the south of the country. In St. Petersburg, he was infrequent, and when he came to the northern capital, he lived in the Winter Palace. This state of affairs did not suit him, Potemkin decided to acquire his own palace.

At first the palace was called the Konnogvardeisky house, because it was on the banks of the Neva River in the settlement of the Konnogvardeisky regiment. By the way, it was here that Potemkin began his military career. The project of the Tauride Palace was developed by an old friend of Grigory Alexandrovich architect Ivan Starov. Outwardly the building looked modest, in the style of classicism. But the interior decoration impressed with its luxury and magnificence.

In the winter garden of the Tauride Palace was installed a sculpture "Catherine II - legislator."

Almost all the time Potemkin was in the south of the country, which is why in 1790 he sold his palace to the treasury. But after the prince brilliantly conducted a military campaign to capture the Turkish fortress of Izmail, Catherine gave him the Tauride Palace. Of course, the celebration of the victory of Russian troops took place in the palace. On the holiday, 3,000 guests were invited. It is interesting that for this celebration the whole candle wax in the Northern capital was bought up.

Any Saint Petersburger could join the feast: for ordinary people tables were laid before the Tauride Palace and barrels of wine were put in.

Several months later Potemkin died. The relatives of the prince sold the estate to Catherine. The Empress decided to rename the Konnogvardeisky house in the Tauride Palace. The fact is that Crimea became part of Russia thanks to the achievements of Potemkin. The old name of the peninsula is Tavrida. That's why the estate was given such a name.

Under the Emperor Paul I, the Konnogvardeisky regiment is located here . The Winter Garden became a stable, and the halls of the palace were converted for arena and barracks . Of course, with this use the palace quickly began to collapse . Emperor Alexander I restored the Tauride Palace . In the beginning of the 19th century the historian Karamzin lived and died there . Also the Persian prince Khosrov Mirza and the Swedish and Norwegian prince Franz Josef . stayed in the estate for a long time. Even under Nicholas II the first State I think . Since 1917 this building has played an important role in the political life of the country .Here the Provisional Government was located, congresses of Bolsheviks were held, the highest party school was located .

Tavrichesky is executed in the style of Russian classicism, in a symmetrical composition - three two-story buildings, the central one is crowned with a dome and connected to the other passages. In contrast to the laconic facade, the palace was richly decorated: all the ceremonial rooms were decorated with canvases, engravings in gilded frames, carpets, tapestries, luxurious furniture. Something remained.

Tauride Palace

Immediately after entering the palace visitors enter the large round hall, it is located under the main dome and is therefore called the Dome. At the beginning of 2011, a 24-register brass organ was built here in Barcelona.

The ticket for the evening of organ music will cost from 300 to 1400 rubles.

The dome hall smoothly switches to Catherine. The ceiling area of ​​this room is 1300 sq. M. meters. They say that the restorers have worn out with this room in order.

In the Catherine Hall symphony concerts are held, they are created by the "Tavricheskaya" Chapel created in 2010.

It is worth noting the great historical and cultural value of the Tauride Palace. The fact is that this building strongly influenced the Russian architecture. The house on Shpalernaya Street became a model for imitation and even a standard of noble estates. After the appearance of the Tauride Palace, mansions with the same facade began to be built all over Russia.

The Museum of the History of Parliamentarism in Russia was opened in the Tauride Palace. There work an international flower exhibition, an exhibition of rare books, paintings and others. You can order a sightseeing tour around the palace

Behind the palace is the no less famous Tavrichesky Garden

Practical information

Years of construction: 1783-1789

Architect: Starov Ivan Egorievich

Address: Petersburg, Shpalernaya Street, Quarter between Potemkinskaya and Tavricheskaya Streets, Chernyshevskaya Metro Station

Working Hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00

Excursions are held on weekdays by prior request.

Phone: + 7 (812) 326-69-11.

 Tavrichesky Palace, St. Petersburg  Tauride palace
Tavrichesky Palace
 Organ in the Tavrichesky Palace, St. Petersburg  Tavrichesky Palace
Organ in the Tauride Palace
 Luxurious chandelier in the Tavrichesky Palace, St. Petersburg  Tauride Palace
Luxurious chandelier in the Tauride Palace