Add a review about the Taimyr Reserve

Here they come to admire the aurora borealis or visit the reindeer herder's feast ... But still the Taimyr reserve is for extreme people, for those who are not afraid of frosts. The weather on the peninsula of the same name in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory does not spoil the heat: there are snow and frosts even in July. And the trip here will cost quite a lot, so much more often this part of the reserved Russia is visited by foreigners - they can afford such a holiday. Although the Russians have recently become interested in the North Pole.

Rafting on the icy rivers, hiking in the mountains, traveling on dog sledges, reindeer herders' festival, a museum in the ice, a collection of mammoth tusks, all in tandem with the aurora borealis: Taimyr will surprise you all life!

How to get there

Otherwise, like by air, to Khatanga, where the administration of the reserve is located, do not get . And then you will have to change in Krasnoyarsk . Aircraft fly from Vnukovo and Domodedovo . Departure to Khatanga itself because of the weather conditions can be transferred indefinitely: everything is in the weather, it is unpredictable in this part of the country, so be prepared . You can, of course, get to Krasnoyarsk by train, and then get on the plane, but then travel it will take a long time, and three days to the regional center by rail to it will cost the same money .

Ticket for an adult, for example in the middle of July, to Khatanga will cost 32 thousand rubles a minimum. And this is only one way.

Following the polar rainbow

Those who are not afraid of the cold, the administration of the reserve offers several types of leisure: you can just "take a look", then to delightfully talk about the beauties of the Far North to relatives and friends, and you can practice your physical spirit by going to rafting or hiking through the mountains. It will not only remember, but also be proud of.

Sports routes

In the Taimyr Reserve there are two rounds for money and hardy tourists. The first one is called "Following the Traces of Urvantsev", it is an alloy along the Upper Taimyr River. The second - "Byrranga Mountains" - walking route.

The film about the reserve

Ethnographic tourism

In the middle of autumn the reserve takes small groups of tourists and organizes dog sled trips. You will be able to visit the settlements of the indigenous inhabitants of the East Taimyr - dolgans and Nganasans. And in the spring, in April, you can participate in the traditional celebration of reindeer herders. You will get acquainted with the culture, way of life, the cuisine of the ancient nationalities.

Bird and animal watching

Not only indigenous people, but also animals living in the reserve, are of interest to tourists. When agreed with the administration, you can observe the behavior of birds (this is called berdotching) and animals. In Taimyr there live polar bears, wolverines, musk oxen ... The pride of the reserve is the largest population of reindeer. Of rare birds - a small swan, peregrine falcon, white-tailed eagle, Red-breasted Goose, recorded in the Red Books - international and Russian.

In 1995, by the decision of UNESCO, the Taimyr reserve received the status of a biosphere reserve. The whole territory is in the zone of continuous permafrost

Museums of the reserve

Curious, but several museums . Natural and ethnographic have earned in the middle of the last century . Here are photos of animals, stuffed birds, paintings by artists from France, impressed by Taimyr, everyday life and clothes of the indigenous inhabitants of the peninsula . There is also a separate mammoth museum and Vereshchagin musk ox, opened in Khatanga in 1999 . Of course, all his collections are dedicated to extinct animals, Their remains are still found on the territory of the reserve, and more and more . The sister museum with a similar theme was created here, it was cut down in a cave, in permafrost .
Inside the "glacier" it is especially comfortable in winter : when on the street -41 ° C, in the museum -1 ° C - heat!
The reserve also includes the literary museum of Ogdu Aksenova, opened in February 2000. This is a Dolgan poet, known and respected here: she composed the alphabet and the dictionary of the Dolgan language

Lake Taimyr

North of Khatanga, in the Byrranga Mountains is the largest of the reservoirs of the Taimyr Lake. Its depth reaches more than 25 meters, and the area of ​​the mirror surface varies with the seasons: from 4, 5 thousand square kilometers in high water to 1, 2 thousand in winter. The bottom is covered with an ancient glacier, the main part of the lake freezes to it, and in the summer the water temperature is a maximum of +10 ° C.

On the Taimyr Peninsula. Nganasany


There are incredibly many fish in the rivers and lakes of the Taimyr Reserve, biologists note, despite the anthropogenic factor. Because here fishing is allowed, however, only in some water bodies. Anglers say you can catch omul, smelt or burbot, whose weight can be as high as 30 kg

Polar Lights

This natural miracle is remembered by everyone who does not live at the North Pole, but at least once. The night sky is colored not only in blue and green tones, as textbooks of geography describe, the color spectrum is much wider: white, yellow, green, red, purple. The riot of colors really amazes even the hardened by frosts and mountains of tourists.

The prices are indicated in the summer of 2013.

 Byrranga Mountains, Taimyrsky Reserve, Krasnoyarsk Territory  Taimyrsky Reserve
Byrranga Mountains, Taimyrsky Reserve
 Taimyr Lake, Taimyrsky Reserve, Krasnoyarsk Territory  Taimyrsky Reserve
Lake Taimyr, Taimyrsky Reserve
 Stone Town, Taimyr Reserve, Krasnoyarsk edge  Taimyrsky Reserve
Kamenny Town, Taimyrsky Reserve
 Reindeer, Taimyrsky Reserve, Krasnoyarsk Territory  Taimyrsky Reserve
Reindeer, Taimyrsky Reserve
 Brown Bear, Taimyrsky Reserve, Krasnoyarsk Territory  Taimyrsky Reserve
Brown Bear , Taimyrsky Reserve