Swallow Swallow

let Railways on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg train "Swallow", plying at the moment between the two capitals and Veliky Novgorod.

As the Deputy Head of the North-Western Directorate of High-Speed ​​Communication Evgeny Kosarev said in an interview with Kommersant, the budget "Swallow" will constitute a worthy competition traditionally expensive for the majority of Russians Peregrine ". The journey time will take about five hours, and the difference between base rates" Swallows "and" Peregrine Falcon "will not fall below 50 percent . In addition, the growing popularity of the electric train will connect the next couple of years with the Northern capital Petrozavodsk . In order to provide two new routes, Russian Railways has already ordered 11 updated trains from German Siemens, including first and second class seats, additional toilet cabins and a dining car .

We remind that the Swallow already has experience of the movement between Moscow and St. Petersburg the train has supplemented the rail traffic between the two capitals during the G20 G20 summit.

October 30, 2013
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