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The camp garden is a true nature monument in the modern city. It is located on the right bank of the Tom River and occupies not less than 40 hectares of land. The camp garden was not given from concentration camps, as some might think. In the 18-19 centuries. here were camps of the Tomsk Infantry Regiment. This is where the name of the garden comes from.

Tents of thousands of years ago there was an ancient settlement on the territory of the Lagerny Gardens. This is evidenced by the ancient cemeteries found during the excavations. In the late 19th century. here were found the remains of a mammoth. Thus, the camp garden is also a historical monument.

In Soviet times, in the center of the garden was erected a memorial complex - the Eternal Flame, the sculpture of the motherland, giving weapons to her son, and stelae with names of Tomsk people who died in the battles. May 9, the townspeople traditionally celebrate in the garden.

The camp garden is an indispensable place for visiting wedding processions. The newlyweds are happy to take pictures against the background of Christmas trees and birches and walk along the paths. And there are a lot of squirrels in the camp garden. Fluffy animals have long been chosen this park. Take pine nuts for them and they will gladly eat them out of your hands.

Photo-cards from the Lagerny Garden
 Motherland, Camp garden, Tomsk  Campus garden
Motherland, Camp garden
 Carousel, Camp garden, Tomsk  Camp garden
Carousels, Lager garden
 Tom River, Camp garden, Tomsk  Camp garden
Tom River, Camp garden