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Lago-Naki - the famous West Caucasian plateau, which is located at an altitude of about 2 km in the mountains . This place of stunning natural beauty, primarily - flowering alpine meadows . The most part of the plateau belongs to the Adygea, Maikop district to, but the northern and western areas are located in the Krasnodar territory in the Absheron area . The entire area of ​​the highlands in addition to these areas since 1992 . . forms Caucasian reserve This place is famous for the stunning scenery, relict forests in valleys of rivers, to rstovymi craters and caves . It begins its river for Kurdzhips . where you can see the lush bushes Caucasian rhododendrons, low carpets of juniper, thyme and valerian clearing, the spring spreading strong herbal smell . In short, Lago-Naki - wonderful a place for a traveler looking for unity with nature .

This place is of stunning natural beauty, first of all - flowering alpine meadows

The plateau is located between two rivers, Belaya and Pshekhi, under three mountain peaks - Fishta, Oshtena and Psheha-Su. Relatively close to the plateau is the sea, so the winter is snowy plateau, and come here to ski.

On the vast plateau of every traveler can find something for themselves . Snow-white glaciers and turbulent river, flower meadows and mysterious caves ... The local places are great for climbing, rafting, mountain tourism . Also there are popular horse riding, paragliding and hang gliding . There are 125 caves on the plateau, and in the southern part there is a picturesque Stone M with giant rock bays . Even those who are not inclined to active and extreme rest will have a great time in Lago Naki: there are a lot of tourist bases, sanatoriums, small hotels, shelters . Mountain honey and herbal tea are very helpful for cleaning soul and meditative rest .

The tourist attraction of the plateau was discovered long ago. In the days of the USSR, before the war, the famous All-Union tourist route No. 30, "Through the mountains to the sea" was laid here.
This route was extremely popular in the Soviet years, but to pass it today is an honorable achievement, received on the way, enough for a year ahead . The route was originally calculated as much as 20 days . It starts in Adygea and leads to Dagomys, ending on the Black Sea coast . In the course of traffic, tourists passed through different climatic zones and climbed to the glacier on Mount Fisht . Lion's part of the way roamed the mountainous territories with slightly rarefied and clean air, so in three weeks it was possible to have time to get healthier at it. . Nowadays the route is officially reduced to five days and is called "Ecological-tourist route No. 1" .
It should be taken into account that a large section of the original route passes through the territory of the Caucasian Reserve, and a fee is charged for each day of stay in it with tourists.
Documentary "Journey to Mount Fisht"

Hora Fisht

Mount Fisht the highest peak of Lago Naki, was once acute in the prehistoric ocean . Its height is more than 2860 m above sea level . The literal translation of the name of the mountain from the Adygeyan - "White Head" . Fisht is very beautiful and attracts a lot of climbers every year: the most popular route on its glacier is the category 1B . Fisht is visible even from Krasnodar, and the most spectacular panorama of it opens from the Armenian pass . On the western side of the mountain you can see the dramatic and beautiful Fisht waterfall falling from a height of 200 m . Another notable feature of the mountain is the abundance of underground s rooms, mountain streams and caverns and galleries, formed by them . The most famous caves are Fisht Love (white asterisk, Soaring Bird) and not (Cross-Tourist) name . Their length is 15 km .

Most Azishskaya cave

Those who are seriously interested in caving, must not ignore the most famous cave of Lago-Naki - Most Azishskaya . It is directly adjacent to the Minor, making Azishskaya cave system . length of a large cave is about 650 m, of which for tourists are opened just over 200 m of the way . Here you can see the majestic galleries on several tiers and the underground river; inside very cold, but absolutely safe . Fancy edible formations, stalactites and stalagmites form real natural statues, among which you can see the apostles, and Buddha .The cave is located a couple of kilometers from the tourist complex "Lago Naki", half a kilometer from the road .

Practical information

You can get to Lago Naki by car from Maikop, through Hajokh and Dakhovskaya. Starting from the last, there is a good serpentine road with an abundance of viewing platforms.

 Lago-Naki, Krasnodar Territory  Lago-Naki
Lago -Naki
 Lilia, Lago-Naki, Krasnodar Territory  Lago-Naki
Lilia, Lago-Naki
 Autumn in the Lago-Naki, Krasnodar Territory  Lago-Naki
Autumn in Lago-Naki
 River, Lago-Naki, Krasnodar Territory  Lago-Naki
River, Lago-Naki