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In the north of Moscow there is an amazing place - Crane birthplace. A unique natural and anthropogenic landscape, connecting impenetrable forests and marshes with vast territories of fields and villages, since ancient times has attracted a lot of birds. So they founded the so-called Dubna lowland, the area of ​​which, by the way, has 300 square meters. km, 34 years ago - September 7, 1979 - a nature reserve with a poetic name "Crane Homeland."

In fact, this name was entrenched behind the reserve with the easy hand of M. Prishvin, a beloved writer who was still in the 30's Last century, he wrote about cranes, deaf forests and the cleanest lakes of this region.

Prishvinskaya Crane Land has survived to this day. Now 229 species of birds live here, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Moscow Region.

Today 229 species of birds live in the unique national wildlife sanctuary, many of which are listed in the Red Book.

Nowadays in the Dubna lowland there is a whole complex of protected natural areas, the area of ​​which is more than 36 thousand hectares . Here the habitats of rare species of animals and plants, the places of stops of waterfowl and cranes on the flight, relic landscapes - bogs and lakes of glacial origin, sources of rivers, old spruce forests . The entire complex is included in the reserve list of Wetlands of International Importance and is the Key Ornithological Territory of Russia .In the near future, it is planned to design a Natural Park .

Crane Homeland in the "Bazhenov Ranking"

Reserve The Crane Homeland operates at the national park level . Here there is also scientific work, ecological, folklore and environmental conferences and field seminars and, of course, guided tours . Every year in September the "Zhuravlya Festival" opens - an excursion program for children and adults . There come just kids from kindergartens and already grown-up schoolchildren . No one will give up You can see hundreds of flocks of cranes, walk along a mossy marsh, take a picture of a viper, try a cranberry from a hummock, visit a city historical and literary museum, in the museum @ .. Saltykov-Shchedrin, a native of the village of Spas-Ugol, museum . A . Klychkova, trail M . M . Prishvin, listen to a lecture at the Taldom Historical and Literary Museum .

Even the shops and the restaurant here are called "Zhuravushka", and on the coat of arms the city of Taldoma is also adorned with a crane, dressed in a boot - a symbol of the ancient shoemaking industry. And not in vain, because such rare for the urban residents of the gray cranes for a long time have chosen this place. Here they stop for pre-flight rest in spring and autumn, some couples stay here in the summer. In impenetrable marshes they hide from enemies, hatch nestlings, feed on fields.

No one will refuse the opportunity to see hundreds of flocks of cranes, walk along a mossy marsh, take a picture of a viper, try cranberries from a hummock.

Every year Crane homeland takes more 800 visitors - scientists, students, ecotourists, schoolchildren and young naturalists . hundreds of "megalopolises of townspeople" exhausted by "clean exhaust air" come to Zhuravliny homeland . Come here to relax with body and soul, touch nature, disconnect from the city rhythms and enjoy the clean air and silence, only cried by cranes . And the best time for such a trip is from the 20th of August to the end of September . At this time birds gather in flocks of several thousand cranes and then business soar into the skies . There are so many cranes here that they often go out to the forest paths and even to the roads .

How to get there

If you are coming from Moscow by car, then on the 80th km turn right - on Taldom. In Taldom - according to the sign of the village of Severny. In the village of Kunilovo, turn left, to the village of Dmitrovka. Here is the eco-station of the zakaznik "Crane Homeland"

If you are traveling by public transport, then go by train from Savelovsky railway station to the final one - Taldom. There - next to the platform - bus station, where you need to choose a bus to Esaulovo or Kunilovo. And thence to the village of Dmitrovka, and there the last house on the left and it will be a biostation Crane birthplace.

Address: Taldomsky District, Moscow Region

 Swamp Owl, Zhuravlina, Moscow Region  @ Crane homeland
Swamp owl, Crane birthplace
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Veretennik , Crane Homeland
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Cricket-grouse, Crane Homeland
 Cranes, Crane Homeland, Moscow Region  Crane Homeland
Zhuravli, Crane birthplace
 Snegir, Zhuravlina homeland, Moscow region  Crane homeland
Snegir, Crane birthplace

Reviews of Zhuravlin's homeland (1)

Important! From the Administration of the Reserve August 23, 2014

Anna Andreeva
was here in August 2014
Dear friends !!!
Excursions to the wildlife sanctuary this year's cranes begin on September 7 and until September 28 inclusive . And they must necessarily be recorded beforehand . Do not be without warning to go to a biostation in Dmitrovka . most likely you will stay without an excursion , t . to . our guides are not yet in place . however, and cranes at this time are still few, t . to . fields with grains are not cleaned yet . And even less so It is necessary to come without warning by one's own motion to the biostation station (as it is written on the train and bus) .The whole excursion program is automotive: the reserve is big, the distance between the stops is considerable, to the place from where you can see the cranes walking is not accessible! All information on visiting the reserve is on our website http: // www . craneland . ru /? p = 6649
 Crane Homeland