Hotel Gostiny Dvor Ekaterinburg Russia  Gostiny Dvor Hotel Ekaterinburg Russia  Gostiny Dvor Hotel Ekaterinburg Russia  Hotel Gostiniy Dvor Yard Yekaterinburg Russia  Gostiny Dvor Hotel Ekaterinburg Russia  Gostiny Dvor Hotel Ekaterinburg Russia  Gostiny Dvor Hotel Ekaterinburg Russia
 Gostiny Dvor Hotel Ekaterinburg Russia
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Hotel «Gostiny Dvor» is perfect for both business people and tourists.

Location of the Gostiny Dvor Hotel

The hotel is located in a quiet, quiet area of ​​Ekaterinburg

Rooms of the Gostiny Dvor hotel

Room types : single rooms and suites

Restaurants, bars

In addition to breakfasts included in the price, the use of a buffet service is possible.

In the room

  • TV
  • Russian TV channels
  • satellite or cable TV

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