Finnmark County

Russians officially residing on the territory of the Murmansk region will soon be able to go without a visa to their Norwegian neighbors - was heard from the mouth of a member of the Federation Council Committee for Northern Affairs Igor Chernyshenko

At the moment, the zone of visa-free regime extends only to a 30-kilometer stretch of the border area, however, the authorities of the two states Now they are actively discussing the possibility of its expansion to the borders of the Murmansk region and the Norwegian province of Finnmark

"If we talk about the fact that most Russians will be free to travel around Europe without visas, then in the near future I do not see such a perspective; the Murmansk region has more chances in the form of an experiment for the European Union, "the Interfax civil servant quoted as saying.

Recall that the agreement on the simplified border crossing of residents of border settlements in Russia and Norway came into force last May.

12 December 2013
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