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The Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute is important, perhaps for all residents of Venice. Tourists will be interested in not only the rich decoration, but also the history of their creation.

November 21 in the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute is a service in memory of getting rid of the plague. Residents of Venice celebrate on this day the holiday of Festa della Salute. You can see the pontoon bridge, which is installed once a year from the Palazzo Ducale to the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute.

Santa Maria della Salute was built as a token of gratitude to God for the miraculous deliverance of Venice from the plague . B 1630-31 years in the city was raging terrible disease that killed about 100 thousand people . During the epidemic almost a third of the entire population of Venice died . When the disease receded, the authorities decided to build a new church in honor of saving the city . Doge Nikolo Contarini approved the project of the Cathedral of the 26-year-old architect Altazar Longen, and the construction of Santa Maria della Salute started . However, the case dragged on - the temple was ready only 50 years later . The consecration of the cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute was held after the death of the architect . It is worth noting, that the construction of a building in the city on the water proved to be a very difficult task . So, for example, to lay the foundation workers needed more than a million wooden beams . Almost 100 thousand of these beams were crammed into the bottom of the Grand Canal as piles .

Santa Maria della Salute is located on the main Venetian street - Grand Canal, directly opposite the famous Doge's Palace. So you will not pass by him exactly

The exterior and interior of the church is very beautiful and rich . There are a lot of marble statues, icons and mosaics . Do not forget to pay attention to the central altar on which the icon of Madonna della Salute , or Our Lady-healer . This relic was brought from the Greek island of Crete . Even the floor of the temple deserves special attention - it is made of marble slabs and laid out by circles . Among other things, the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute is decorated pictures of Italian artists . Here you can see the works of Titian, Tintoretto, Giordano .

Santa Maria della Salute

If you are planning your trip to Venice in the autumn, then bear in mind that on November 21 in the cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute there is a service in memory of getting rid of the plague. Residents of the city celebrate on this day the holiday of Festa della Salute. You can see the pontoon bridge, which is installed once a year from the Palazzo Ducale to the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute.

 Beautiful view of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute, Venice  Santa Maria della Salute
Beautiful view of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute
 The Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute @ Maria della Salute, Venice  Santa Maria della Salute
Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute
 Interior of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute @ Maria della Salute, Venice  Santa Maria della Salute
Interior of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute
 Dome of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute, Venice  Santa Maria della Salute @ della Salute
Dome of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute

Reviews of Santa Maria della Salute (2)

Evaluation 10

Snow White Beauty April 15, 2014

was here in June 2012
We got to the vaporetto cathedral (route number - 1), stop the water bus directly at the entrance. From the square near the cathedral you can see a beautiful panoramic view of St. Mark's Square and the Doge's Palace. In November, on the day of the feast of Saint Madonna, it's easier to get to the basilica - from the Doge's Palace, a pontoon bridge is built directly to the church.
The Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute was built on the means collected by the inhabitants of the city. It is an active church, services, rituals and ceremonies are held here. It is not only a snow-white ... Read full review
 Santa Maria della Salute  Santa Maria della Salute  Santa Maria della Salute
Evaluation 10

One of the largest churches in Venice March 25, 2014

was here in March 2014
Particularly revered by the Venetians, the church of Santa Maria della Salute is striking in its grandeur. Despite its impressive size, it is just perfectly fit in the architecture of the city, like the church of Redentore on the island of Giudecca built on a similar occasion - the celebration of getting rid of the plague.
There is a small narrow square in front of the steps of the front entrance, if you stand with your back to the temple then to the left will be the same vaporetto stop, on which it is very convenient to get to this place, ... Read full review
 Santa Maria della Salute  Santa Maria -della-Salute  C NTA Maria della Salute  Santa Maria della Salute