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Rialto Bridge can be safely called one of the symbols of Venice. Perhaps, it is on this bridge that the largest number of tourists gather. The fact is that this is the very first and old bridge through the Venetian Grand Canal. In addition, he is in the narrowest part of this famous channel. In the neighborhood of the Rialto Bridge, the most interesting sights of the city are located - the Rialto market and the San Giacomo di Rialto church

The support of the Rialto Bridge is impressive - 12 thousand piles, hammered on the bottom of the Grand Canal. There are 24 souvenir shops on the ferry today

The very first pontoon crossing appeared here in 1181 and was named Ponte della Moneta. The bridge received this name thanks to the mint, which was located nearby. Less than a hundred years later, he was replaced by a wooden drawbridge, which was named Rialto - in honor of the market. Already in the 15th century the first shops were built on the Rialto Bridge, the owners of which paid taxes to the treasury, and in return received a worthy maintenance of the bridge. True, there was always something wrong with crossing the ferry.

Rialto Bridge

In 1310, he burned down during the Tiepolo uprising. In 1444, it collapsed because of a large crowd of people wanting to look at the regatta. In 1524, the collapse was repeated. Of course, this place was built a new bridge, much larger than the previous one. But the problem was that he was also made of wood. Water every year spoiled this building material, and the question arose of the new Rialto Bridge.

In the 14th and 15th centuries, all Venetian merchants assembled on the Rialto Bridge, as there was a brisk trade in a variety of goods, up to securities. The ferry is even mentioned in Shakespeare's play "The Venetian Merchant."

Venetian authorities arranged a competition for the best stone crossing project . Many famous architects presented their sketches, among them there was even Michelangelo . But in 1551 the commission chose work for no one known architect Antonio de Ponte . By the way, his project looks like the very first bridge built on this place . Of course, the evil-doers foreshadowed the collapse of the bridge, but they turned out to be wrong . This stone Rialto Bridge costs her day . However, in 2012 he began to reconstruct . Completion of all work is tentatively scheduled for 2015 .

Antonio de Ponte Rialto bridge built along with his nephew Antonio Contin. A little later Kontin became the author of the project of the Venetian Bridge of Sighs.

Dimensions of the Rialto Bridge are modest: the maximum height in the center is 7, 5 meters, the total length is 48 meters. But the support of the crossing is impressive - 12 thousand piles, hammered at the bottom of the Grand Canal. Today there are 24 souvenir shops on the bridge

 Rialto Bridge at night, Venice  Rialto Bridge
Rialto Bridge at night
 Rialto Bridge, Venice  Rialto Bridge
Rialto Bridge

Reviews of the Rialto Bridge (5)

Evaluation 10

People's Bridge October 14, 2014

was here in October 2011
Most Real is the area of ​​the main food market of the city. And this happened back in the Middle Ages and nothing much has changed to this day. You can imagine how much this is, as the saying goes, "a nameless place." The people's spirit, which here hovers, will not be translated into words. Tourists there, of course, so much that it does not get through. But what to do is a market area and there have always been plenty of anrod, and the most varied. Keep your documents and wallets in the elevated area ... Read full review
 Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge
Evaluation 10

Authentic Venice 08 August 2014

was here in April 2013
In every city in the world there is a place in which, as it were, concentrates all a local color - in Venice it is the bridge of Realto. The fact that this is a very old structure, in the design of which Michelangelo took part, of course, matters. But what is important is that there has always been a fish and fruit market in this place-and that says a lot. The bridge itself is not architecturally noteworthy. But the aura that surrounds it definitely hovers in the air - it seems that it can even be touched. Sounds, smell, view from the bridge ... Read full review
 Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge
Evaluation 10

Rialto Bridge through the eyes of a calm tourist 07 May 2014

was here in April 2014
It was already my fifth or sixth visit to Venice, and eventually, when the first shock comes from the city, you start to consider it calmly, thoughtfully, noticing all the new and new minor details. Previously admiring the views from the bridge on both sides, now began to carefully look out for what is on it and how it is arranged, as the Venetians themselves notice the smallest details and signs of their city.
The bridge is really good. Powerful, reliable, beautiful and rich. On it many centuries committed the most important ... Read the whole review
 Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge
Evaluation 10

The business card of Venice April 15, 2014

was here in April 2014
Get on the bridge Rialto is not difficult. Virtually all vaporetto (such river trams in Venice) have a stop near the bridge. At the same stop, it is convenient to sit down, if you plan to swim the whole canal. Here almost all tourists come out and you can choose a free place near the window.
There are always a lot of people on the bridge: someone buys souvenirs in shops, almost continuously someone is photographed. The most beautiful photos of the Rialto Bridge can be made from a gondola or the same river tram. Only the camera ... Read the full review
 Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge
Evaluation 9

The Trade and Business Center of Venice March 24, 2014

was ) here in September 2013
Rialto Bridge is indeed one of the most visited places in Venice. It is deserted on it only at night or in bad weather.
The bridge itself was originally built in the narrowest part of the Grande Canal, but here too the canal is very wide. On the channel in this place is very intense traffic, and you can not swim here in any case. Previously it was not so, and once tourists on the bridge were lucky to see Lord Byron floating on the canal.
Near the bridge is the famous Rialto market, there is also the ancient building of the Venice Tribunal, ... Read full review
 Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge  Rialto Bridge