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Bridge of Sighs - so romantic is called one of the oldest bridges of Venice. It was built in 1602 by architect Antonio Contin. Of course, the beautiful name of the attraction attracts many tourists. However, the Bridge of Sighs was not originally associated with a love theme.

The Bridge of Sighs is on the Palace Canal and connects the building of the Doge's Palace to the building of the prison. On this bridge in the Middle Ages convicts were held. They were the ones who sighed when they last saw the beauty of Venice

Ponte dei Sospiri is at the Palace Canal and connects the building of the Doge's Palace to the building of the prison . On this bridge in the Middle Ages convicts . and sighed when the last time they saw the beauty of Venice, walking along the bridge of the Sighs . The fact is that at that time practically no one could escape from prison because of poor conditions of detention . By the way, for its specificity, this bridge has walls and a roof . However, in fairness, it's worth observe that such an interpretation of history offered the famous poet Lord Byron . In fact, at the time of construction of the Ponte dei Sospiri brutal executions and other horrors of the Inquisition in the past .

famous Casanova also once walked across the bridge of Sighs. However, he was the only person who could escape from prison.

In order not to embarrass tourists with sad stories, the Italians relatively recently came up with a new legend connected with the Bridge of Sighs. During sunset, swimming on a gondola under this bridge, you need to kiss your loved one, and then your feelings will be eternal and mutual. But keep in mind that there are a lot of people who want to kiss, so you have to stand in line with other lovers on the gondola.

Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs is made in Baroque style and decorated with luxurious carvings on white marble. Today, this landmark is considered one of the most popular in Venice, and, for example, in the 19th century, the bridge was not paid much attention because it was believed that it did not correspond to the general architectural structure of the city.

Many creative people were impressed by the walk around the Bridge of Sighs. So, for example, Vrubel in 1894 wrote the same picture after his journey through Italy. Edgar Poe mentioned the landmark in the story "Rendezvous."

Bridges with this name exist in other cities. For example, the Bridge of Sighs is in Oxford, Cambridge, New York and the capital of Peru. Muscovites can see an almost exact copy of the Venetian landmark. To do this, you only need to get to the house No. 15/2 along Dolgorukovskaya Street
 Bridge of Sighs at Night, Venice  Bridge of Sighs
Bridge of Sighs at Night
 Bridge of Sighs, Venice  Bridge of Sighs
Bridge of Sighs

Reviews of Bridge of Sighs (4)

Evaluation 10

The sad bridge 04 August 2014

was here in April 2013
Stop, think about what is called "about the eternal" this bridge is definitely worth. But do not stay long, it's still quite a sad place. Why, I will not decipher-information on this is enough on the pages of the Internet. I want to draw your attention to the fact that you should not tear yourself inside this bridge. This possibility is quite definitely outside, it looks much more interesting and mysterious. In addition, you can go inside only in a group of 25 people and ... Read the full review
 Bridge of Sighs  Bridge of Sighs  Bridge of Sighs

New traditions July 14, 2014

was here in July 2014
Bridge of Sighs is one of Venice's most popular attractions. In addition, it is located in the course of most excursions. Therefore, staying alone with this masterpiece of the day is not practical. But in the morning, before six in the morning, when the vaporetto begins to walk, such a public transport of the city, a walk through the deserted streets of the city is a pleasure. It is not difficult to get lost here, the narrow streets merge and again diverge regardless of your goals. To orientate the map ... Read the whole review
 Bridge of Sighs  Bridge of Sighs  Bridge of Sighs
Evaluation 10

Pleasant cool on a hot day May 13, 2014

was here in May 2014
At the May in Venice, it's hot. Despite night rains and thunderstorms, the thermometer rose above 27 degrees in the daytime, water and ice cream were in great demand. I am writing about this because only in the shadow of the Doge's Palace from the Bridge of Sighs we were able to find a quiet place for rest. On the right was a bridge along which the prisoners were led to the cells, to the left - a lagoon and the embankment, where Lido di Venice is seen in the distance, and just next to it - San Giorgio church with a bell tower and a yacht club on the same island of San ... Read the whole review
 Most Vozdkhov  Bridge of Sighs  Bridge of Sighs  Bridge of Sighs
Evaluation 10

Visit Required! March 13, 2014

was here in June 2013
All take pictures of the Bridge of Sighs from the seafront of Schiavoni, which is located next to the Piazzetta San Marco. From there a very beautiful view. The fact is that it is impossible to get to this bridge as the other bridges and bridges of Venice. For this it is necessary to go on an excursion to the Doge's Palace, and already then on the bridge of Sighs go to the building of the famous Venetian prison. The view from the lagoon that opens from him really makes everyone sigh of admiration.
There is another way to approach it as much as possible. For this, it is necessary ... Read the whole review
 Bridge of Sighs  Bridge of Sighs