Starting the conversation about the Arc de Triomphe, of course, you assume that the first thing that comes to the person's mind, of course, will be the Parisian landmark. However, the predecessors of the French beauty almost surpass it in their architectural, historical and aesthetic merits. To see the truly great triumphal arch, come to Rome.
In Rome, on the Forum Square, there are two arches preserved from the time of the great Roman Empire. One of them is the arch of Titus, which served as a model for many triumphal arches of the New Times.
Arch of the emperor Titus Flavius was built by his brother Domitian shortly after Titus's death in 81 AD. e. in honor of the victory of the Roman arms in the Jerusalem war, which occurred in the 1st century AD. e. The arch was installed at the entrance to the "Golden House" of Nero demolished by the Flavians. Undoubtedly, the arch of Titus became one of the best examples of triumphal arches in Rome. It was a monumental pedestal for a bronze monument to the emperor, who was crowned with the goddess of victory by Victoria.
Outwardly, the Arch of Titus has strict forms and may seem rather modest to some, but this modesty and triumph of its architectural proportions make the arch of Titus an object of admiration and imitation for this kind of buildings. The facade of the arch is not decorated with sculptures except for two Victoria and the sculpture of Fortuna
The archway is decorated with reliefs depicting the triumphal procession of Titus in Rome: the emperor is led by the goddess of Rome, and the processions carried by the war are trophies, including gold seven-candle from the temple of Solomon
The inscription in Latin says: "The Senate and the people of Rome (dedicate or erect this arch) to the divine Titus Vespasian Augustus, the son of the divine Vespasian."
In the Middle Ages, the arch of Titus was included in the fortress, later part of it was destroyed. . In the year of Pope Pius VII, in 1821, the monument was reconstructed . Some parts of the monument were rebuilt some were intentionally altered - instead of the necessary marble, the sedimentary rock mineral was used travertine, the shape of the arch was simplified . On the other side of the ancient dedication, Pius VII inscribed a new one: "This monument, remarkable from the standpoint of both faith and art, has decayed with time . Pius VII, the great pontiff, ordered new works on ancient specimens to be strengthened and preserved . In the year of the Holy Office of the 24th ».
Needless to say, the arch of Titus became the progenitor of many such masterpieces around the world: in its model, the above-mentioned Paris Arc de Triomphe and the no less famous Arch of National Memory of the American State of Pennsylvania, built in 1910 -m. Well, the influence of Roman culture on the world can hardly be overestimated. So, indeed, all roads lead to Rome, and all travelers before traveling around the world are shown to get acquainted with the original source, and therefore, to visit Rome.