Das Menelaion, Sparta |
Sfaktiria, Messinia |
Antique Stadium in Messini |
Methoni Tower, Messinia |
Magnificent panorama of the rocks Meteor, Greece |
Magnificent cliffs Meteor, Greece |
View of the monastery Meteor, Greece |
View of the monastery of Rusanu in Meteora, Greece |
Views of Messinia |
Views of Nafplion, Greece |
Gavan, Kalamata |
Greece, cliffs Meteor |
Villages Pylos and Niokastro fortress, near Costa Navarino |
Ancient theater of Sparta |
Railway station, Kalamata |
Railway station Asprochoma, Kalamata |
Railway at the Olympia |
Railroad Park, Kalamata |
Sunset near Kalamata |
Castle, Kalamata |
Methoni Fortress in Messinia |
Fortress in Nafplion, Greece |
Laguna Gialova in Costa Navarino |
Mighty Cliffs Meteor, Greece |
Monastery of Rusanu, Meteora, Greece |
Monastery of St. Nicholas, Meteora, Greece |
Monastery of St. Nicholas in Meteora, Greece |
Remains of the stadium in Olympia |
Island-Heart in Messinia |
@ Paleokastro, Costa Navarino |
Monument of 300 Spartans, Sparta |
Panorama of Nafplion, Greece |
Voidokilia Beach in Costa Navarino |
Stunning Meteors, Greece |
Lovely Monasteries Meteora, Greece |
Nature of Messinia |
Ruins in Olympia |
Ruins of the theater in Olympia |
Rocks of Meteor, Greece |
Rock Massif Meteor, Greece |
Modern Sparta |
Sparta in the valley of the River Eurota |
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, Meteora, Greece |
Stadium in Olympia, our time |
Stadium in Olympia |
Flamingo in Costa Navarino |
Temple of Philip of Macedon, Olympia |
Church of the Holy Apostles, Kalamata |