One of the most beautiful palaces of Prague in the Renaissance and also the perfectly preserved Schwarzenberg Palace is located near the Prague Castle . It is clearly visible from afar because of the contrasting black and white exterior decoration of the walls made in the Venetian style . This is a typical technique for scratching an image on a two-layer plaster that was brought to the country from Italy in the 16-17 centuries . In addition, the palace is easily recognized by sculptural vases located on different tiers of the roof end . Also the building is distinguished by powerful double windows with carved architraves, cornices and numerous richly decorated Renaissance shields .

Initially, the site of the palace were several buildings that are destroyed by fire in the mid-16th century. The ruins were purchased by the wealthy Bohemian nobleman Jan Popel, who later became a city burgraf. The T-shaped main building of the palace was erected in 1567, another wing was added later. In the first quarter of the 18th century, the palace was rebuilt in a baroque style, which particularly affected the interiors.

Since 2008, you can see the permanent exhibition of Renaissance, Mannerist and Czech Baroque art objects

The Palace was named after the powerful Schwarzenberg family , which he owned from 1719 . and until the end of World War II . In 1909 . inside the National Technical Museum . In 1940 . all the property of the Schwarzenbergs, known for their anti-Nazi sentiments, was captured by the fascists . In 1945, . Schwartz Nberg returned with a family from the United States, where he emigrated to escape Nazis, but already in 1947 . his property was confiscated again . After the communist coup in 1948 . the palace was turned into the Military History Museum . And since 2002 g . in the building there is a department of the National Gallery . Since 2008 . here you can see a permanent exhibition of Renaissance, Mannerism and Czech Baroque artworks .

Very good view of the palace opens from the house "Two Sands "On the street. Nerudova. From here you can see a sundial on the roof, on either side of which sit an owl and a cock. Under the clock you can see the Latin inscription "Time Runs."

Inside the palace is even more attractive than outside. Raising your head, you can see the amazing old paintings of the second half of the 16th century. This is not a wall painting in the truest sense of the word: the paintings are painted on canvas, which is stretched on wooden frames. Paintings are made on antique stories from the Iliad

Light installation at the Schwarzenberg Palace during the Festival of Light

Practical information

Address: Hradcanske namesti, 2.

The palace can be reached on foot on the street. Nerudova (up to Hradčany Square) or by trams No. 22 or 23 to the stop "Prague Castle". The palace is located behind the Porokhov Bridge, inside the Grad.

Working hours: 10:00 - 18:00 every day, except Monday.

Entrance: 150 CZK from 10:00 to 16:00, from 16:00 to 18: 00 - 40 CZK. Every free Wednesday (February 2015).

 Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague  Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
@ Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
 Inner courtyard, Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague  Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
Inner courtyard, Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
 Entrance to the Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague  Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
Entrance to the Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
 One of the halls, Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague  Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
One of the halls, Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
 Sculpture Hall, Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague  Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague
Hall with sculptures, Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague