A relaxed beach vacation without a break from civilization, a bizarre difference architecture, noisy parties and colorful festivals - all this Alicante, the capital of the province with the same name in Valencia . Art lovers will appreciate the local museum with a magnificent collection of brush painting artists of the 20th century - Picasso, Kandinsky, Chagall and others . All other guests of the city can not pass by the cathedral of San Nicolás de Bari (17 at .) and the Church of Iglesia de Santa Maria (15 at .) . But the main thing, tourists from all over Europe and from the CIS countries go to Alicante, this is a gentle sea, the rest is diluted by holidays and festivals, which, as is known, is rich in Spanish land .

More often, having bought air tickets in Alicante from Moscow, travelers will be forced to stay for a couple of hours in Madrid or Barcelona.

Buying tickets in Alicante for June - a chance to visit the traditional festival of fires, which lasts almost a week in Alicante . All six days Alicante does not sleep and, by the way, does not work! Residents and guests of the city eat, drink, have fun and dance at the giant cardboard figures filling the city on the eve of the holiday . On the night of June 23-24 they are burned, accompanied by explosions of firecrackers and fireworks . This pagan ritual is designed to recharge the sun force . When the sun is sufficiently saturated with light and heat from the fires around the city fires, fire brigade teams enter into the business . They extinguish what is left of the holiday symbols, without neglecting and pouring water over the nodding gawkers . Night of San- Juan ends at dawn, when the drenched and tired guests of the holiday are scattered to their homes .

All tourists who bought air tickets in Alicante land at the only city airport 9 km south-west of the city center

Airlines and flights

From Moscow tourists in Alicante on wings of iron birds are carried by such airlines as Iberia, British Airways, Vueling, S7, "Russia" and others. Direct flights - from "Iberia", "Vuelinga" and S7, which rise in the air from Moscow's Domodedovo. The flight will last from 5 hours to 5 hours 20 minutes

However, more often than not, buying tickets to Alicante from Moscow, travelers will be forced to stay for a couple of hours in Madrid or Barcelona. However, this is not always a minus. The main plus is that the choice of air tickets in Alicante is huge - with different departure times, the duration of the trip and, of course, with different prices. Everyone can find a suitable option!

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check the page "Airline Tickets in Alicante on New Year's Eve."

Low-cost flight schedule in Alicante

How to get to the city center

Alicante Airport is located 10 km from the city center. This distance can be overcome by bus route C-6 for 3, 85 EUR or a taxi for the price of 20 to 35 EUR.