Tambov region Once, in 1688, three people had a chance to walk in search of solitude and prayers in the deaf forests in the vicinity of Tambov. The result of these walks was that a monastery soon appeared in their place, and the neighborhood itself received the saying name "Treguliai", and from it the monastery is Tregulyaevskaya.
g. Rasskazovo, Timiryazeva The Aseevs' estate "Arzhenka" in the satellite town of Tambov Rasskazovo is the most famous of the surviving ancient country estates of the Tambov province. Now it is located in the territory of the JSC "Arzhenka" Breeding Poultry Plant
Mamontova Pustyn
Tambov Region, p. Mamontovo The word "deserts" means "a monastery in a remote desert area", and Mamontovoi is named after the founder of the elder Mamant. It was he who, according to legend, found here a large full-length icon of St. Nicholas here, which was the reason for the establishment of the monastery.
Rakhmaninov Manor
Ivanovka, Tambov Region Ivanovka is exactly the place where the great composer S. V. Rakhmaninov lived and worked for several months a year for 28 years. It is connected with most of his work, and it was here that he wrote a huge number of his famous works.
Speaking about the sights of the Tambov region, it is worth starting from the regional center. Here there are 9 museums, including the house museum of G. Chicherin, the room-museum of A. N. Lodygin, the museum of the wolf and even the museum of sin in the territory of the pathoanatomical department of the Second city hospital, where body parts are collected symbolizing vices and passions, ruining their owners.
There were once 13 temples and churches in Tambov. Unfortunately, not all have survived to this day. But in the regional center the reconstruction work is being actively carried out - the lost belfries are being built, the church buildings are being recreated, etc. The Center for the spiritual life of the city is the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral, the oldest temple in the Tambov region. Its construction was started in 1694 under the leadership of Bishop Pitirim of Tambov. The relics of St. Pitirim are kept on the first floor of a two-story church
25 kilometers from Tambov is the settlement of Treguliai. Its main attraction is the Treguliai monastery, founded in the middle of the 17th century. It is located in a picturesque place on the bank of the Tsnya River Under Tambov there is a well-preserved site of the famous Tatarian Shaft - part of the famous zasechnoye line - a structure that passed through several regions and protected Russian lands from Tatars raids.
In the north-east of the region, in the town of Rasskazovo, the oldest estate of Tambov region - "Arzhenka" - has been preserved. At one time there lived a family of Aseevs, famous manufacturers. In the regional center there is one more of their estate - so-called. Aseev House on the Embankment: a snow-white two-story mansion with a copper roof towering on the high bank of the Tsna river channel.
You can not ignore the city-science city of the Russian Federation - Michurinsk, the home of the world-famous breeder AND . . Michurina . Among the sights worth noting is the house-museum And . In . Michurina, the house-museum of the famous Russian artist A . M .Gerasimova, the building of the Michurin State Agrarian University, the old building of which was built in 1931 . The special place is occupied by the Bogolyubsky Cathedral, located in the center of the city - one of the nine small copies of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a monument of federal significance .
The village Ivanovka is located 100 km south of Tambov. Here is another landmark of the Tambov region - the house-museum of the great Russian composer S. V. Rachmaninov, where for 28 years there have been written many excellent works.
In fact, the not very well-known region - Tambov region - keeps a lot of historical and cultural values, and the memory of those who left a huge spiritual heritage, which does not lose its relevance to this day.