Grotto of Eternal Permafrost
Zheleznovodsk, Razvalka Mountain The wreck is a mountain-laccolith about 925 m high, a failed volcano and the nearest neighbor of Zheleznaya. It is located about one and a half kilometers from Zheleznovodsk and in 1961 it was declared a landscape monument of nature.
Palace of the emir of Bukhara in Zheleznovodsk
Zheleznovodsk, western entrance of Zheleznovodsk park Palace Emir of Bukhara - a beautiful, though not so large in size, sample of the eastern architectural style. It is surrounded by a patterned iron fence, stylized as an Arabian ligature, and sculptural images of lions are mounted above the main entrance.
Iron Mountain in Zheleznovodsk
Zheleznovodsk, Kurortny park One of the most bright sights of Zheleznovodsk, decorating the city's landscape - Iron Mountain. By its nature it is a real volcano, only "not revealing its potential" - that is, laccolith. Its height exceeds 850 m, and the outline of the mountain becomes a beautiful backdrop for landscapes
Pushkin Gallery in Zheleznovodsk
Zheleznovodsk, Kurortny Park, 1 The main architectural and cultural the symbol of Zheleznovodsk is, of course, a beautiful and airy building of the Pushkin Gallery. This summer theater is located in the central and most popular recreation place on Mount Zheleznaya - in Medicinal, or Spa, park, in its open area.
Healing sources of Zheleznovodsk
Zheleznovodsk, Kurortny park Kavminvody and, in particular, Zheleznovodsk, are good for many, but first of all, naturally, curative springs. In the Spa (or Medical) Park on Mount Zheleznoy there are more than 20 of them, practical application is found 16. And for the visit (and drinking water), three are opened
Cascade staircase is considered a decoration Resort Park. It was built in 1935, starts from the color music fountain and ends in the lower park. From the top of the stairs a wonderful view opens up. Today the water does not flow on the stairs, as it was planned earlier, but it is decorated with flower beds.
In the same resort park you can see the main architectural sights of Zheleznovodsk . Main of them is considered the Pushkin Gallery, an elegant building of the summer theater, built of metal and glass . At one time in the gallery were such celebrities as Komissarzhevskaya and Utesov . Today the gallery part is used exactly as a theater where there are music concerts and events, and some as an exhibition space for local artists . Another well-known building of Zheleznovodsk - the palace of the Emir of Bukhara . It was actually built for the emir, who, however, was not destined to live in it . @ The Palace is distinguished by the elegance of the finishes, the preserved mosaic patterns in the oriental style, the carved wooden balconies and terraces . A similar building belongs to the Ostrovsky baths . It was also given the features of the oriental style, but today the baths are closed to visit .
If you pay attention first of all to natural beauties, then, of course, it is worth starting from the surrounding mountains . The healing (or Spa) park on Mount Zheleznaya is very picturesque and natural: it is not separated from the dense beautiful forest covering the slopes of the mountain . In addition to the resort park, the mountain is famous for its excellent terrenkur - the road for walking on the slopes . It is possible to climb to the top or turn right to the neighboring mountain - Razvalka . It is notable for several objects; first of all - the grotto of the Eternal Frozen, where in the middle of summer the temperature is kept around 0 ° C . Also on the mountain Razvalka you can see the cave of an ancient person .
Other buildings of the city include the railway station building, the Memory Park, the monument to Lenin and the post office .. To lovers of small and strange sights, you can advise you to find a stone in the resort park that fell from Mount Zheleznaya (one-and-a-half meter boulder, surrounded by a square with a public garden), a bas-relief depicting a mountain goat (on a terrenkur around the mountain, at an altitude of 700 m) and photograph all road signs the same terrenkure - they are made in the form of some kind of sculpture such as the famous "grandfathers", the pillars with the names of the works of Lermontov or lambs-lambs .