Muromsky Savior-Transfiguration Monastery
Murom, ul. Lakina, etc. 1 Savior Transfiguration Monastery is one of the oldest structures on the Murom land: the first mention of it dates back to 1096. According to legend, the monastery arose on the site of the fortified courtyard of the first Murom Prince Hleb. For a long time it served as one of the main defensive lines of the city.
Nikolo-Naberezhnaya church in Murom
g. Murom, st. Chuloshnikova, 27 On the banks of the Oka is the charming Nikolo-Naberezhnaya church built in 1700-1717. in the style of the Petrine Baroque. The people call it Nikola Mokryj: in the spring, during the Oka flood, water often comes to the very walls of it. At the foot of the church there is the Nikolsky spring, considered to be curative.
Blagoveshchensky Monastery
g. Murom, Krasnoarmeyskaya (former Uspenskaya), 16 The Annunciation Monastery was founded by Ivan the Terrible after the victory over Kazan. At this place there was once the first wooden church in the city, built at the baptism of Murom. It houses the relics of the holy Murom princes Constantine, his sons Michael and Theodore, as well as the icon of St. Ilia Muromets with a part of the relics of the saint.
Water tower
g. Murom, intersection st. Lenin and Sovetskaya Water tower, one of Murom's symbols on a par with numerous churches, was built in 1864. The initiator and sponsor of its installation was the mayor of the city. Ermakov. The tower was informed by pipes with a water pump, which stood on the bank of the Oka. Thanks to her, Moore was one of the few cities in Russia that had running water.
Murom Historical and Art Museum
g. Murom, st. Pervomayskaya, 4 On May Day street is the Murom Historical and Art Museum, interesting not only for its rich exposition, for which he was nicknamed the small Hermitage, but also in appearance. The house, which now houses the museum, used to belong to the wealthy grain merchant Zvorykin, who built himself a real palace.
Oksky Gardens
g. Murom, st. Pervomayskaya From the original garden, broken in 1852, today there are only century-old elms. However, it is still one of the most beautiful places in the city - a garden located high above the river on the southern edge of the Kremlin mountain. Ornaments of the Oksky garden - a monument to Ilya Muromtsu, as well as a fountain transferred here, once served for the analysis of water.
Holy Trinity Monastery
g. Murom, pl. Peasant (Troitskaya Square) The Troitsky Monastery built in the 17th century is very popular among tourists. The oldest buildings of the monastery are the stone five-domed church of the Trinity built in 1642 and erected 10 years later by the bell tower. The monastery attracts pilgrims with the relics of saints Peter and Fevronia of the princes of Murom - patrons of love and marriage.
Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Murom
g. Murom, st. Naberezhnaya, 11a A temple that deserves to be visited is the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian (Kozmodemyanskaya Church). According to legend, it was built on the spot where, from 10 to 20 July 1552, the tent of Ivan the Terrible stood on his way to Kazan. The king promised to erect stone temples in Murom in the event that the march would be successful.
Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God
g. Murom, st. Mechnikova, 1 A little further on the shore is the church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, also called the Novo-Kozmodemyanskaya church, and now the cathedral of Murom. Although the temple and quite new - the current building was built in 1804 instead of the burned wooden - it successfully completes the architectural ensemble of the city.
The ancient Russian city of Murom is located on the left bank of the Oka to the southeast of Vladimir. Numerous natural disasters, fires, invasions of enemies and internecine strife prevented him to fully preserve his ancient appearance - many buildings of the 9th and 15th centuries. and the sights of Murom were irretrievably lost. However, what has survived, is included in the "golden fund" of Russian lands - not without reason in 2007 the city celebrated neither more nor less 1145 years!
Murom is attractive primarily for its beautiful churches: the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Kozmodemyanov Church (16th century), Trinity, Blagoveshchensky and Spassky Monasteries (17th century), other magnificent buildings from the 17th and 19th centuries. some of them Moore owed to the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who stopped here in 1552 on his way to Kazan, prayed fervently for victory and vowed to build here stone churches and a monastery in case of victory.
Another association with Murom is the epic character of Ilya Muromets, who is very honored here and whose name is partly due to the flow of tourists . It is believed that the prototype of the hero who defeated the Nightingale the robber was the strong man Chobitko, born in the village of Karacharovo near Murom . In a city near the city garden, Muromtsu, but even saved a huge stump, which, according to legend, was left after the heroes uprooted a huge oak and threw it into the river . However, there is no doubt in the heroic strength of the fellow countryman - his name was even called an armored train , knocked down more than one fascist aircraft . Now it is a tourist attraction of Murom, located in the city park .