Buddhist temple Cechenling

Kyzyl, st. . Schetinkina-Kravchenko, d 1

 For more than a decade Tuvan Buddhism represents Tsechenling Temple - one of the most striking sights of Kyzyl. The name of the temple in translation means "the abode of boundless compassion", which fully fits into the framework of the Buddhist concept.

V.Kok-Ool Music and Drama Theater

Tyva Republic, Kyzyl, ul. Lenina, d. 35

 Sights of Kyzyl In 1935 the Great Hural of the Tuva People's Republic decides on the organization of the state Tuva Theater. And already in the beginning of 1936 a national theater studio was opened in Kyzyl.

Buddhist prayer drum

Kyzyl, ul. Lenina, etc. 35

 Attractions of Kyzyl In 2006 on the main square of Kyzyla solemn opening of a new city sight - the Buddhist prayer drum took place. It is rumored that the ceremony was attended by a record number of residents of Tyva, including even representatives of remote villages.

Museum of the History of Political Repressions in Tyva

Kyzyl, ul. Komsomolskaya, etc.

 Attractions of Kyzyl The museum is located in a historical building where in 1930 the NKVD special commandant's office was located. In the exposition: photographs, documents, newspaper publications, biographies, lists of those who were repressed in Tyva in 1930-1960

Museum of Nadi Rusheva

Kyzyl, ul. Lenina, d. 7

 Attractions of Kyzyl Nadia Rusheva is a talented artist whose name has forever entered the history of Russian art. In Tuva, she is considered a countrywoman, because her mother, Natalia Dojdalovna Azhikmaa, is one of the first local ballerinas.

National Museum of Local History of the Republic of Tuva

Kyzyl, ul. Titova, 30

 Attractions of Kyzyl Local History Museum is the main repository of monuments of Tyva history and culture. At present there are five departments in it: nature, history, pre-revolutionary Tyva, the period of the People's Republic of China, Soviet Tyva and funds.

Holy Trinity Church of Kyzyl

Kyzyl, ul. Oyuna Kursedi, d. 112

 Sights of Kyzyl Orthodoxy in Tyva is not considered to be the dominant religion, however it is professed by a rather significant part of the Russian population of the republic. Christianity has spread here relatively recently - in the last century - with the arrival of the first Russian gold diggers.

Shaman center "Ay-Churek"

Kyzyl, ul. Red partisans, 18A

 Attractions of Kyzyl From the point of view of culture and traditions, Kyzyl is infinitely interesting for its uniqueness. Here, fundamentally different doctrines have reached consensus: Tibetan Lamaism, shamanism, Christianity. At the same time representatives of different confessions absolutely peacefully coexist with each other

Kyzyl no exaggeration to call the most extraordinary city of Tuva . It is true that at first sight it is hardly noticeable:. What to expect from a typical Soviet town, behind the times? But if you look closely, it becomes clear that the city is simply woven of contrasts . Here converge fundamentally different religious concepts, ancient and modern . original culture of the Tuvan people vividly imprinted on the architectural appearance of Kyzyl, local values ​​and lifestyles . Wherefore In addition to boring square houses, black monuments and flower beds in the city, you can find a lot of interesting places .

The main part of the sights of Kyzyl is concentrated in the central part of it . The secret starting point oh for excursions to the city center is an area of ​​about Tuvan music and drama theater . area surmounted by a nice fountain complex and, most importantly, - Buddhist prayer wheels - the most prominent monument in Kyzyl . Amazing Buddhist shrine went to the city as a gift from the friendly Indian monks . It is believed that one turn of the drum cleans the soul better than the year of seclusion .

The unspoken starting exact for excursions around the city is the central square near the Tuva musical drama theater. The area is topped with a pretty fountain complex and, most importantly, - Buddhist prayer wheels -. The most prominent monument in Kyzyl

weighty part of Tuvan traditional Buddhist faith . In fact, it is the most common denomination .Accordingly, and a couple of Buddhist temples in the capital are available . The most visited of them is datsan Cechenling . In the temple they practice yoga and meditation, study the philosophy of Buddhism and just pray . But in the center of shamanism "Ai-Churek" rites look a little more effective . Shamanism - one of the oldest religious cults of mankind - is also highly respected among the Tuvinians . And Orthodoxy takes the third place in popularity .Its main center is the Holy Trinity Church .

The museum fund of Kyzyl is also very rich. The largest museum of antiquities is the National Museum of Local Lore, the most respectable museum of the republic. By the way, the museum building is also among the architectural monuments of Kyzyl. The exposition of the museum occupies four floors and covers a chronological frame from the deep antiquity to our times. Among the most valuable exhibits of the museum are Scythian gold and the jewels of the Arzhan-2 mound.

The city of Kyzyl is located in a special place - the geographical center of Asia. A tall obelisk in the form of a thin spire, erected specially for this occasion, broadcasts this. The "Center of Asia" monument is traditionally considered to be the most memorable symbol of Kyzyl.

The works of Tuvan artist Nadia Rusheva, represented in the museum of the same name, have great artistic value. Several hundred graphic works, sketches and illustrations of the young artist were collected in the walls of the museum of Nadia Rusheva. The history of the tragic fate of the talented native Kyzyl is also of special interest.

Kyzyl is located in the Tuva basin on the coast of the picturesque Yenisei River. Actually, the most spectacular scenery is worth looking for right here on the waterfront. Also, in search of beautiful species, you can walk along the parks of Kyzyl, of which there are several in the city. The nature of Kyzyl is gorgeous in its own way in any season, but for comfortable walks it is recommended to visit the capital of Tuva in the late spring.