Add a review about the chapels of Izborsk

In Izborsk and its immediate vicinity you can see several small and very different chapels. They are not very conspicuous, but each has a long, sometimes centuries-old history.

A tiny Trinity chapel can be found at the crossroads of two old roads: Pechory and Truvorovo hillfort. Despite the truly miniature dimensions of the building itself and its extreme simplicity (the chapel rather resembles a hut), the thickness of its stone walls amazes. The chapel was built in the 18th century, although it obviously inherited an earlier building: in the wall of the present chapel you can see the cross of the 16th century

The Korsun Chapel was built in 1929 on the site where, according to legend, in the 17th century a miraculous icon of Our Lady of Korsun. It happened near the Tallav Tower. The icon was believed to have the power to protect the city from the enemy, which was done several times. The most famous of these miracles occurred in 1685, when the icon began to tear. The izborians believe that this year only the prayers of the Mother of God, which were offered to the icon for 40 days before the icon, were saved by the Germans.

Until recently, a copy of the miraculous icon was in the chapel, but in 1982 it was stolen. The relic was never found.

The chapel of Elijah the Wet is on the edge of the city, near the Pechersky road. The chapel was built in the 19th century from stone, and it is very simple in design. Near the chapel there is a spring, why the monks chose this place for construction: the travelers could rest here, and the izboryane who read Ilya the prophet as the rain master walked here with the procession and prayers for getting rid of the drought.

There is also a small modest wooden chapel Frol and Laurus . According to legend, it was built on the grave of soldiers who died in battle with the Livonian knights in 1480 g . The battle was just on the day of the holy martyrs, by whose name the chapel was named . The chapel itself was built much later . But The cross, installed inside, according to the inscription on it, was placed in 1492 g . This is the so-called Stefanov cross, which stands, as the inscription says, on the grave of the warrior - a certain Stefan, which, alas, no more evidence is preserved .

The stone cross installed inside the modest wooden chapel of Frol and Laurus, according to the inscriptions on it, was erected in 1492

The chapel of the Assumption of the Mother of God stands outside the city, on the way to the ancient village of Wasts, where there lived representatives of the Seto population. Once upon a time in the place where the chapel now stands, was located an ancient jaw cemetery. The square building of the chapel is made of limestone, and a simple roof is decorated with a tiny head with a metal dome-onion. In the interior of the chapel, one can still see a large cross of stone, on which the head of Adam is depicted.

Well, those who are going to bypass the Izborsk museum-reserve on foot, following the tourist eco-route, will inevitably meet the log cabin of St. Anastasia. About when exactly it was built, there is no exact data, but its entire appearance seems very traditional. The chapel is in the village of Brod, right in the middle, where previously it was supposed that a cross of stone was put up. A small chapter with a cross is mounted on the gable roof of the chapel.