Aleksandrovsky Park
St. Petersburg @ Alexandrovsky Park In summer, the lawns of the park are occupied by connoisseurs of yoga, martial arts or just idle people, there are full runners on the tracks , the children crowd around the street theaters and laugh at the dolls. Moreover, there is a meteorological station and the only Foucault pendulum in the region.
Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, Alexandrovsky Garden Garden unites the former Admiralty Square and the Decembrists Square
If the Palace Square is the heart of St. Petersburg, then the Alexander Garden is the face of the northern capital. A very well-groomed person, it should be noted.
Botanical Garden on the Aptekarsky Island
St. Petersburg, about. Aptekarsky By the order of Peter I the Botanical Garden on the Aptekarsky Island was founded, when the Aptekarsky garden was built here for growing herbs for the needs of the army and navy and studying medicinal plants ( hence the city's pharmacies were supplied with herbs and medicinal raw materials.)
Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, ul. Prof. Popova, d. 2 Like many other sights of St. Petersburg, the botanical garden was built by the order of Peter I. A little more than a hundred years after its construction it was named "Aptekarsky garden" and, according to its name, was mainly used for growing various herbs.
Summer Garden
St. Petersburg, Summer Garden The first garden in the new city was the Summer Garden on the banks of the Neva. It was laid in 1704 by the decree of Peter I, who took part in his design. On the territory of the garden for the emperor was built a summer residence that has survived to our days.
Mikhailovsky and Tavrichesky Gardens spread around the same Petersburg palaces, creating with them a single composite whole . Initially they were designed as a palace- park ensembles, where the buildings define the style and tonality of the gardens that continue the palace interiors . Leaving the parade rooms, you can admire the beauty and diversity of greenery: all kinds of trees and flowers accurate compositions framed by intricate water bodies, orchards, decorated with openwork bars, and greenhouses with exotic plants .
The square in front of the Alexandrinsky Theater is unofficially called the Ekaterininsky Garden according to the established here in 1873 the monument to Catherine II. Often you can hear a more familiar name - Kat'kin kindergarten. Near the garden there is a public library - one of the largest in the world. On the perimeter of the garden is a spontaneous exhibition of paintings - St. Petersburg artists show and sell their works here.