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Kaluga since olden times was famous as the city of merchants . They had the best houses here, and the money of this estate was built temples . One of the Kaluga families of merchants and created the Korobovs' house, the date of its construction - the second half 17th century . The person who built the chamber was a very successful businessman: he led the trade in bread, salt and hemp . And his goods were highly valued not only in Kaluga . They were popular in the entire central strip of Russia . When It's time to die, he decided who will get the stone chambers after about the death, and distributed the property equally . To this day the Korobovs 'Chamber is the only monument in Kaluga, the ancient Russian architecture .

of the Korobovs' Chamber - one of the main monuments of the city.

The second floor of the chambers was residential, wooden, but the first stone. Unfortunately, in its original form, the work of the merchant has not reached the present day: the elegant covering of the staircase and the pommel of the porch has been lost. Upper and lower floors were not reported, at the bottom were cellars.

The most interesting in the whole house is a hiding place. It was possible to get into it only through the upper-floor room. There, on the poles, the owner kept valuable furs and clothes.

But that's not all: the chambers were rebuilt and brought to a proper appearance, some elements had to be replaced. In the depth of the site near the house were organized warehouses, here were a hay and a bread crate. All merchants kept their merchandise with them. The Korobovs' houses were known to people by an important feature - they built a church near them, now it is called St. George's Cathedral.

One of the members of the family, Petr Korobov, produced Dutch soap, was in charge of a sugar factory. The soap was exported to St. Petersburg and abroad, and sugar to Ukraine.

At the end of the 19th century, the Korobovs' rooms were bought from the owners and donated to Kaluga. Then a museum appeared. In it were five showcases with finds of archeology, old coins and household appliances. You could only visit the building twice a week. And already in 1997 the Korobovs' Chambers left the museum of local lore.

Working hours: from 10:00 to 17:00, Monday, Tuesday - days off. The exposition is small, but it is worth to visit for the sake of acquaintance with this architectural monument.

 Korobovs' Chamber, Kaluga  Korobovs' Chamber