Add a review about the reserve "Malye Kurily"

The reserve is located in the South Kurile region, on the islands of the Lesser Kuril chain. This is the place of wintering, nesting and, in general, the life of numerous species of migrating waterfowl and seabirds.

Today the reserve "Malye Kuril" is a structural element of the "Kurilsky" nature reserve. Their flora and fauna intersect in many respects.

The main overland territory of the reserve "Malye Kuril" is represented by the insular part of the Malaya Kuril chain. It is the island of Shikotan (it is part of the reserve "Small Kuriles" in part), the island of Anuchina, Zeleny, Polonsky, Rifovy, Storozhevoy, Signalny, Tanfiliev, Yuri, as well as many small islets and rocks.

Among the most interesting zakazniks - Marine mammals: Larga or common seal, Kurilian sea-eagle, Steller sea lions, Northern fur seal and, of course, different kinds of whales, for example, gray dolphin, killer whale, humpback whale

The reserve's water area serves as a place for feeding and spawning of many fish. Here are found pink salmon, keta, sima, stickleback, river flounder, Malma, smeltfish, Sakhalin taimen, rudd, smelt, and many others.

Small Kuriles