Tourist center of Herakleia Sevastopol Russia  Tourist center of Herakleia Sevastopol Russia  Tourist base of Herakleia Sevastopol Russia  Tourist center of Herakleia Sevastopol Russia  Tourist base Herakleia Sevastopol Russia  Tourist center Herakleia Sevastopol Russia  Tourist center Herakleia Sevastopol Russia
 Tourist center of Ge Akleyev Sevastopol Russian
Add a review Holiday Village "Heraclea" offers a measured vacation on the Crimean peninsula. This is especially true for families with children. The hostel offers you comfortable accommodation at reasonable prices. In the main building of the base there is a safe for storing valuables. The base is guarded around the clock. The staff will help with the organization of the excursion or will show the route for independent travel.

Location of the camp site of Herakleia

The recreation center is located in the Sevastopol district, in the village of Vyazovaya Roshcha, near the village of Orlovka. The hostel is located on the western coast of the Black Sea. The hotel is a short walk from the sandy beach

Numbers of the camp site of Herakley

At the same time 60 people can be accommodated in the base. Accommodation is made in wooden cottages. In cottages it is possible to stay from two to three people with a child. Rooms are cleaned once a week.

Restaurants, bars

In the dining room you will be offered a three-time menu, which is paid separately and includes the first, second courses, cold and hot snacks, desserts, pastries and fruit.

Services at the hotel

  • safe at the reception


  • non-motorized water sports
  • motorized water sports

Beach of the camp site of Herakleia

Distance to the sea - 300 m. Sandy beach, Entrance to the sea is flat

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