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The largest temple in Yekaterinburg is on the site of the execution of the royal family. This five-domed building with 14 bells and a lower level with a museum complex. According to the architect's plan, through the opening of the iconostasis one can see the place of execution of Nikolai II and his family.

After the demolition of the Ipatiev mansion, where the execution was carried out in 1918, a wooden cross and then an iron cross appeared. After the competition for the best temple project, construction took three years

Two levels of the church symbolize the following: the lower one is the basement of the Ipatiev house, in the upper one - an unimaginative lamp, which is lit in memory of the tragic events. Near the temple there is a monument to the family of the emperor - she descends to the basement, from which it is not destined to return.

Temple-on-the-Blood is one of the main sights of Yekaterinburg. Here, Orthodox fairs are organized, the Godparents begin, here the famous guests come for excursions. The building looks especially beautiful on a winter evening, when the temple seems to shine from the inside in the darkness.


Address: Holy House, 1, Ekaterinburg

 Temple-on-Blood, Ekaterinburg  Temple-on-the-Blood
 Monument to Nicholas II, Temple-on-the-Blood, Ekaterinburg  Temple-on-Blood
Monument to Nicholas II, Temple-on-Blood
 Temple-on-the-Blood at night, Ekaterinburg  Temple-on-Blood
Temple-on-the-Blood at Night

Reviews of the Temple -a-Blood (3)

error il misprint September 23, 2014

was here in September 2014
The execution was on the night of July 16 to July 17, 1918
Evaluation 10

Temple-on-the-Blood - the great cathedral of Ekaterinburg 02 December 2013

was here in January 2012
In Ekaterinburg my husband and I are very often, because we live here close friends, and in Upper Pyshma relatives. When we come to the capital of the Urals, we first of all try to visit Arbat, where you can always walk wonderfully and have dinner in a cozy cafe, and also often go to Ganin Yam, Plotinka and, of course, try to visit the Temple-on-the-Blood where you can put a candle and pray for the health of loved ones. In general, this temple is considered a symbol of the city, which attracts many ... Read the whole review
 Temple-on-Blood  Temple-on-Blood  Temple-on-Blood
Evaluation 8

This is more museum November 29, 2013

was (a) here in November 2013
Temple-on-the-Blood is perceived as a tourist object rather than a religious one. There are buses with tourists, many foreign groups. Local parishioners in this temple almost do not go.
Entrance from the river side, on the 1st floor in a small museum room dedicated to the royal family. There are pictures and personal belongings of the family, as well as everything related to the execution. At the place of execution there is a large altar. From the museum you can go up to the temple itself (now under reconstruction). Outside, the temple is bright and beautiful, you go ... Read the whole review
 Temple-on-Blood  Temple-on-Blood  Temple- on-the-Blood  Temple-on-Blood  Temple-on-Blood