Submit feedback about the Museum of Radio. A. Popova

Central Museum of Communications named after . . Popova is one of the oldest scientific and technical museums in the world, founded in 1872 . The unique collection of the museum devoted to the history of the development of communication means is made up of exhibits on the history of postal, telegraph and telephone communications, radio communications and broadcasting, television, mobile, space and satellite communications . The museum funds include the State Collection of postal payment signs of the Russian Federation priceless for all philatelists of the world, as well as a collection of art nouveau creations artists and mailturists . During the opening hours of the museum a public science and technology library is opened, a post office and an Internet center are functioning .

In the exposition: the memorial room of the priest GI Levitsky, a relative of AS Popov, the history of the development of radio in the Urals, AS Popov - the inventor of radio, the history of the development of Russian television, satellite television, the history of the development of the Ural radio industry.

The museum collection includes a priceless for all philatelists of the world the Russian Federation, as well as a collection of art nouveau modern artists and mailtourists. During the opening hours of the museum, a public science and technology library is opened, a post office and an Internet center operate.

The palace where the museum is located was built by the architect Giacomo Quarenghi for the chancellor of the Russian Empire, Prince AA Bezborodko. This building is a remarkable monument of architecture of the XVIII century.

Radio Museum in Yekaterinburg

Address: Ekaterinburg, ul. 9/11, tel .: +7 (343) 518-560.

Working hours: 11: 00-17: 30, closed on Sunday, Monday.

The cost of visiting the museum: adults - 120 rubles., Schoolchildren, pensioners - 60 rubles., Excursions - from 1000 rubles. There are privileged categories of visitors.