Padua Cathedral

Padova, Via Dietro Duomo, 5

 Attractions Padua The Padua Cathedral is considered the main religious structure in the city, although inferior in size to the Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua. Today's cathedral is the third building that was erected on this site. The first two cathedrals were destroyed to the ground.

Palazzo della Rajone

Padova, Piazza delle Erbe

 Attractions Padua The Palace of Reason, or the Palazzo della Rajone, is one of the most important monuments of Padua architecture. It was built in the late 12th - early 13th century. Palazzo della Ragione shares two areas: the area of ​​the Grass and Fruit Square. Together they form the huge market of Padua

Prato della Valle

Padova, Piazza Prato della Valle

 Attractions Padua Prato della Valle in Padua is one of the most visited places , without which there is not a single tourist route. Prato della Valle at different times served as a parterre for the Imperial Theater (in the Roman era), a place for city gatherings, fairs, church processions (in the Middle Ages)

Basilica of Santa Giustina

Padova, Via Giuseppe Ferrari, 2A

 Attractions of Padua The Basilica of Santa Giustina is one of the most revered churches not only in Padua, but throughout Italy. Suffice it to say that several saints are buried under the arches of the church. The basilica houses the relics of one of the four Evangelists-Luke.

St. Anthony of Padua's Basilica

Padova, Piazza del Santo, 11

 Attractions Padua The Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua is the largest and most significant church in Padua. It is in the ownership and jurisdiction of the Vatican and is considered one of the most powerful churches in Italy. The basilica was built in 1232 at the site of the former monastery where St. Anthony lived and received pilgrims

Padova Botanical Garden

Padova, Via Orto Botanico, 15

 Attractions Padua Garden was It was created in 1545 by the decision of the Venetian Senate for the needs of the medical faculty of the University of Padua. Students and teachers "Bo" planted medicinal plants in the garden, which were necessary for them to study.

Palace of Zuckermann

Padova, Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 33

 Attractions of Padua The Palace of Zuckermann today is a museum of applied art in Padua. The museum exposition consists of more than two thousand exhibits. The museum is famous for the most interesting collections of ceramics (the oldest objects date back to the 15th century).

Capella San Giorgio

Padova, Piazza del Santo

 Attractions Padua As you might guess from the name, the chapel is dedicated to St. George. Inside the building is decorated with numerous images of this martyr. The frescoes of master Alticiero de Zevio illustrate different moments of the life of St. George, as well as of Saint Lucia and Catherine of Alexandria

Chapel of Scrovegni

Padova, Piazza Eremitani, 8

 Sights of Padua Chapel of Scrovegni call this treasury of Western art. The great Giotto painted the chapel with frescoes, which were revolutionary for their time. It should be noted that this happened long before the Renaissance, during the complete domination of the Gothic style in art.

The Church of the Hermits

Padova, Piazza Eremitani, 9

Places of interest in Padua The Church of the Hermits, or the Basilica of the Hermits, is one of Padua's oldest shrines. The church was built in 1276 in honor of the saints James and Philip. Ryshu basilica of hermits built by the project of Giovanni Eremitani. He is also the designer of the famous roof of the Palace of Reason.

Padua is a small town not far from Venice. Neighborhood with the famous city brings to Padua additional tourists and gives impetus to development. And unlike Venice, Padua attracts not only historical monuments, but also modern urban infrastructure, as well as relatively cheap hotels.

The historical past of Padua is very attractive. According to the "Aeneid" of Virgil, the city was founded by Prince Antenor, who survived the fall of Troy. For many years, archaeologists have been searching for the tomb of the hero, but so far their work has not been successful.

If your stay here on June 13, you will go straight to the celebration of the City Day and the celebration of St. Anthony's Day, which is considered the patron of Padua.

Tourists, who stay in Padua for a few days, it is better to immediately get a special ticket at the station (PadovaCard) . It operates 48 hours, the other its var iant - 72 hours. PadovaCard provides access to ten major monuments in the city, travel by public transport and discounts in souvenir shops. Thanks to the map there will be a decent saving.

Architecture of Padua

In the center of Padua are two squares - the area of ​​the Grass and Fruit Square, separated by the Palazzo della Rajone. For centuries, the market was located in the squares, and in the impressive hall of the Palazzo della Ragione, city meetings were held.

A walk through Padua will not be complete without a visit to the Prato della Valle square. The obligatory tourist route passes through the landmark places of Padua: the Basilica of St. Anthony, the Palazzo della Rajone, the University of Padua and the Botanical Garden

According to the "Aeneid" of Virgil, Padua was founded by Prince Antenor, rescued after the fall of Troy.

One can not help but look at famous frescos in the chapel of Scrovegni. Giotto's frescos in this small church belong to the protre-renaissance and are among the most important works of European culture.

The fortified walls of the 18th century are preserved in the historical center of the city, here and there you can find walls of an earlier construction. There are ruins dating back to the 13th century

In Padua there is an interesting type of public transport - a tram on the tires, or a single-rail tram. The rail is located on the central axis of the tram for the direction of traffic. And the weight of the transport is divided into ordinary car wheels with rubber tires. The tram ride on the buses is not accompanied by noise and vibration, which are inherent in this type of transport.

The tram route on the bus makes 13 stops, which are overcome in half an hour. It is interesting that some parts of the tramway route in Padua are not electrified, where the car is driven by batteries.

To make the trip successful, the tourist needs to eat not only spiritual values. Padua has an excellent infrastructure: small cozy hotels, cafes and family-style restaurants.