March 1
 Weather in Rimini Cloudy

+ 13 ° C by day, + 4 ° C by night , ° water

March 2
 Weather in Rimini Cloudy with a light rain

+14 ° C in the afternoon, + 5 ° C at night , ° water

March 3
 Weather in Rimini Clearly

+11 ° C in the afternoon, + 9 ° C at night , ° water

March 4
 Weather in Rimini Cloudy

+ 12 ° C day, + 4 ° C at night , ° water

March 5
 Weather in Rimini Overcast, heavy rain

+ 7 ° C day, + 6 ° C at night , ° water

March 6
 Weather in Rimini Overcast, rain

+ 5 ° C by day, + 4 ° C at night , ° water

March 7
 Weather in Rimini Cloudy

+ 8 ° C by day, + 6 ° C by night , ° C water

March 8
 Weather in Rimini Cloudy

+ 8 ° C by day , + 5 ° C at night , ° water

March 9
 Weather in Rimini Clear

+ 9 ° C by day, + 4 ° C at night , ° C water

March 10
 Weather in Rimini Clear

+ 7 ° C by day, + 3 ° C by night , @ ° С water

11 March
 Weather in Rimini Cloudy, light rain

+8 ° C in the afternoon, + 4 ° C at night , ° water

12 March
 Weather in Rimini Clear

+ 9 ° C by day, + 4 ° C at night , ° C water

Weather in Rimini
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Weather in Rimini
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Weather in Rimini by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
day + 7 + 9 + 13 + 17 + 21 + 25 + 28 + 27 + 24 + 19 + 13 + 9
at night + 0 + 1 + 4 + 7 + 11 + 15 @ + 17 + 17 + 15 + 10 + 5 + 1
water + 11 + 10 + 11 +12 + 18 + 24 + 25 + 25 + 24 + 20 + 15 + 12

The luxurious resort town of Rimini, which is also the capital of the Italian province of Rimini, attracts tourists not only at the height of the beach season. The creations of ancient architects, perfectly preserved to this day, and the ebullient nightlife are popular with travelers all year round. And the climate on the Adriatic coast has a trip even in the winter months. Although it is difficult to name this winter (in the usual sense for compatriots). In order to be sure of this, let's look at the weather in Rimini by months.

In May

In May, some particularly impatient comrades open the swimming season - the temperature of water and air is practically the same in the day - average values ​​are 18 and 21 degrees respectively. For the third consecutive year in the last month of spring Rimini accepts participants from the international folklore festival from all over the world

In June

In June, the Italian Riviera is already in full swing, the average daily temperature of water and air is the same - 23-26 degrees higher Zero . In addition to reclining on the luxury beaches of tourists, a rich entertainment program awaits: from June 1, the "Surgeon's House" opens (a museum organized in an ancient Roman house found by archaeologists, built in the 2-3 centuries BC . e .) where attention is drawn to the Separated collection of a hundred surgical instruments, in the middle of the month starts functioning Ferris wheel, and in the 20s held a traditional festival of ancient culture (very informative and easy manner in the event supply of facts) .

In July

Mid-summer meets citizens and guests of Italy with a large-scale beach festival "Pink Night", which is traditionally held in the first days and absorbs the whole country. To luxuriate under the warm July sun (the average daytime temperature this month reaches 26-28 degrees above zero) can be on a variety of chic beaches or in Europe's largest aquapark Aquafan. The cultural program in the high season is very diverse - performances by musicians of various directions, theater performances, exhibitions.

In August

August, the harbinger of autumn, bears some coolness. The weather forecast in Rimini, however, is warm in summer: the daytime temperature drops just a couple of degrees (+25 ... +27 ° C). It is certainly worth visiting the annual film festival, which traditionally takes place in the second half of the month in this resort city. And, of course, do not miss the chance to lie on a golden sandy beach.

In September

In September, on the Adriatic coast, the velvet season, the air temperature is moderately warm - 21-24 degrees above zero - without exhausting heat, tender waters of the sea and visit the first autumn fair of farmers, where you can buy the freshest agricultural products: olive oil, various kinds of cheeses and young wine, truffles, etc.

In October

The weather in Rimini in October is not so warm as in September. The October temperature regime is already in the range of 16-19 degrees Celsius, the swimming season is already closed, but continuing peasant fairs and local attractions (medieval palaces, fortresses with towers and chapels) are still welcome to foreign tourists.

In November

The weather in Rimini in November is Italian in autumn. The thermometer's column does not rise above +11 ... +13 ° С in the daytime, experienced travelers advise you to go to the coastal resort town to breathe the sea air, wander along the embankment, visit Tempio Malatestiano's temple museum and eat plenty of Italian cuisine prepared according to traditional recipes of this region.

In December

The last month of the year marks the onset of winter, and therefore the temperature in the daytime rests at 6-9 degrees above zero. In the middle of the month, before the Catholic Christmas, the masters create incredible masterpieces - traditional Christmas scenes from the sand! This extravaganza of mastery lasts, sometimes even an amazing magic for three weeks, until Christmas Christian. And lovers of the renewal of the wardrobe are waiting for Christmas discounts, which also turn into the January shopping marathon

In January

The average January temperature in the daytime keeps around 4-7 degrees Celsius (and this is at a time when frosty frosts are raging in Russia) . It's time for a grand shopping-marathon - Christmas and New Year discounts up to 70% pleasing to the eye, and thoughts of how much "just very necessary" can be found in local outlets, shops at shoe and fur factories, warm the soul . It is worth mentioning - in local shopping Centers are represented by brands of clothing and footwear for the most part of the economy class, although there are also luxury brands, but nevertheless it is worth to go to Milan for distinguished brands .


February temperature regime is not much different from January, -it is warmer - on average, the daytime temperature is kept within 6-9 degrees with a plus sign . The level of precipitation does not reach and 50 millimeters . What to do? Warm up from the Russian frosts, shopaholics - continue "races" over slightly empty supermarkets, shopping centers and shops, and "historians" experienced travelers recommend looking at the wonderfully preserved arch of the era of the ancient Roman Emperor Augustus, the historical Gali theater or visiting the Gambalung library with reading rooms and manuscripts 17 -18 centuries .

In March

In March, you can already feel the breath of spring, the temperature rises to +10 ... +13 degrees Celsius. And the flow of holidaymakers slowly begins to increase. Guests of the city are happy in entertainment clubs and discotheques, and the small park "Little Italy" begins to function fully in mid-March

In April

By the middle of spring the water is still cool (about +12 degrees), but the air in April warms up by day on average to 14-17 degrees Celsius, which creates very favorable conditions for outdoor sports. In Rimini, many athletes gather for outdoor training. For daily visits, the largest in the Adriatic Sea aquarium, dolphinarium, a huge amusement park for the whole family "Wonderland" and an aviation park.