Beautiful Italy - the birthplace of prosciutto, Parmesan, Monica Bellucci and Pavorotti, Roman legionnaires and Etruscans, Chianti and Lemoncella, and another dozen names without which one simply can not imagine this sunny, life-loving and wonderfully rich country of beauty . Of course, here aspire spend at least a couple of days, all without exception, the inhabitants of our planet, although something representing the European "boot" . And if at your disposal there are at least two or three weeks, and the best is a whole summer, then, not a second , hurry to find a simp Villa in Italy and stock up in patience: you are waiting for the best vacation in the world, "Italian Vacancy"!

Why Villa? It's simple - only your own cozy mansion with cypress trees on the emerald hills of Tuscany or in a fertile valley near the sea in Sicily is able to give such a holiday, which you did not dare to dream of. . By the way, in vain! Do not be frightened by the phrases "villa", "mansion" or "own house with a swimming pool in Italy" . Today, the rental of villas has become an equally popular type of accommodation, like the banal "Quartet" somewhere in Rimini . And let it be almost everything: it's enough to collect a merry company, and also to choose a suitable date and region, as the cost of such a house will begin to decrease in front of . But everything in order .

First, about the dates. The highest prices for tours, hotels and villas are July and August, the high season, when the Italians themselves take holidays and rush to the sea. If you compare the cost of renting a small villa for 3-4 rooms somewhere in Rimini in June and August - then its price will increase not even in 2, but almost 3 times - from 800 to 2500 EUR per month.

Another nuance - the longer you take the villa at your disposal, the cheaper it will cost you. In Italy, renting a villa for 3 or 4 weeks will not practically differ for the price. And if so, why not take a house for a whole month?
Try to find economical offers for renting a villa in Italy in Sicily, as well as in the area of ​​the Italian heel.

We go further: you can save considerably if you rent a large villa . To do this, it is enough to hit on a trip of friends or relatives - then the whole burden of rent will fall on the shoulders of several families at once and believe it will seem very small . Finally, pay attention to the region . Villas on the beach in Tuscany, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna or Campania will most likely , the most expensive, like the house in Sardinia or Capri . And here you can find economical offers in Sicily, as well as in the area of ​​the Italian heel . The sea, views, cuisine and attractions there certainly are not worse, but there are a couple of minuses: the airport is relatively far away, and also slightly less developed infrastructure than, for example, near Rimini or Amalfi . But the wild nature, charming views of the azure sea and lemon plantations - are provided .

Well, those who do not know what the economy is is just right advise you to stay on the fantastic island of Sardinia, where from year to year mooring their yachts with strong worlds. In addition, local beaches are considered the best in all of Italy. Another worthy place to relax is the Amalfi Coast. The cost of renting a villa there is off scale, but too good are local landscapes, restaurants and wine!

Villas for rent in Italy