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Love history, excavations and debris - then welcome to the Palatine! Palatine is one of the seven hills on which Rome stands, a hill from which the history of the Eternal City began. It was on the hill Palatine, according to all known legend, the wolf and nurtured the brothers Romulus and Remus, and then after the quarrel between the brothers Rem was killed. On the Palatine, the city of Rome was founded,

By the way, modern archaeological finds, according to which the earliest settlements of Rome appeared on the Palatine Hill, are confirmed by the legend.

The name Palatium is associated with the name of the goddess Pales, the guardian of cattle. Apparently, the Palatine Hill originally served as a pasture for cattle, and when Italics had their first religious ideas and the cult of the goddess Pales arose, the Palatine became the religious center of shepherds who performed sacrifices here. Here there were pagan "shrines" - the sacred cave of a she-wolf with a source and a fig tree, under which was found a basket with twin babies, the altar of Pan, the house of Romulus, etc.

Palatine is one of the seven hills on which Rome stands, , from which the history of the Eternal City began.

The hill is located between the Roman Forum and the Circo Massimo (Grand Ancient Hippodrome). Initially, all the inhabitants of the ancient city settled only on the Palatine Hill, the other six Roman hills were inhabited much later.

The deep antiquity of the hill is proved by numerous archaeological finds: traces of the first settlement on the Palatine date from about 1000 BC. e.

At the time of the Republic the patricians lived on the Palatine, and the emperors did not pass around this place: the house on the Palatine was Augustus, Flavia built here a whole complex of magnificent buildings - Domus Flavia. After the invasion of the barbarians, the Palatine turned into a scorched desert and was empty until the beginning of the 17th century, the ruins of majestic palaces were overgrown with grass and ivy.

The Palatine revival began with Pope Paul III Farnese, when the whole hill fell into the possession of the Farnese family. For such a long and busy life, as you understand, the Palatine got a lot of wonderful buildings, which, of course, worth looking at.

Rome. Hill Palatine

Whether you love history or not, traveling in Rome, it is unacceptable not to come to its historical center. Visiting the Palatine Hill is definitely worth it, not every day a huge number of tourists arrive here from 8 am and run through the complex until late in the evening.

Address: Palantin, Rome

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