Jogjakarta (Jogjakarta) - the capital of the province with the same name and a major tourist center of southern Indonesia on the island of Java, which is home to half a million people. In Yogyakarta, to this day, the traditions of the Javanese way of life are preserved. The city is the starting point for excursions to the monuments of Prambanan and Borobudur.

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How to get to Yogyakarta

By plane

Eight kilometers east of the city is the international airport Adisucipto, which can be reached by AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines from Singapore or Kuala Lumpur. A taxi from the airport to the city costs around 50 thousand IDR. From the airport, you can leave by rail, the railway station is next to the arrival terminal.

Search for air tickets to Singapore (nearest jokiakarta airport)

By bus

The bus station of the city is 4 km south- east of the center. Buses from Jakarta (9 hours enroute), Bandung (6 hours) and Surabaya (8 hours) arrive here. Another large bus station is located near the airport, from here buses run to the north - to Borobudur and Semarang.

By train

By train to Jogjakarta you can come from Jakarta (7 hours on the road, 300 thousand IDR). The travel from Bandung will cost 155,000 IDR


Yogyakarta is a relatively small city, so it can be easily walked. The tourist map of the city for hiking is available on the tour desk next to the Mutiara Hotel on Jln Malioboran, at the airport and at the railway station

Taxi trips are not too burdensome for a purse, usually up to anywhere in the city can be reached for 15,000 IDRs. If you liked the service - take a phone number from the taxi driver - later it can become your personal driver and guide.

Local pedicabs are called bachak, they can be found anywhere in the city. Before boarding, you should thoroughly bargain and discuss in advance: whether you are taken to the same line, or will wait and will be delivered back.

The main type of public transport in Yogyakarta is buses. Two types of buses run in the city: patas, more comfortable (air-conditioned) and safe, work from 6 am to 10 pm, the cost of one trip is 3,000 rupees, and regular buses, which usually run until 5 pm, the cost of one trip in the city - 2500 rupees

If you prefer full freedom of movement, then motorcycle rent will cost you 50 000 rupees per day, a bicycle - 10 000 rupees, and a car - 250 000 rupees (end of 2010 prices).

Welcome. to Yogyakarta

Cuisine and restaurants

Local snacks of bakpia and yangko sweet and sour taste . In contrast to them, a quantity of chili pepper is added to meat dishes, that an unprepared organism simply can not cope with it . However, many local delicacies are popular with almost all tourists . Among them is chicken in kari - Gudeg (which is served not only in restaurants, but also in the trays of street vendors), chicken with garlic and cilantro, Sego Langgi - rice with various seasonings, Es rujak - fruit salad of mango, papaya, pineapple, cucumber with palm sugar, lemon juice and pepper .

Local cuisine x is characterized by the predominance of two flavors: sweet and spicy

During the Ramadan, which prescribes not to eat after sunset, a market of mouth-watering snacks and local dishes opens in the Kauman district in the building of old Yavanese architecture, working from 15-00 to 18-00.

In Yogyakarta, you can tasty and very inexpensive lunch at a variety of kiosks (less than a dollar) throughout the city. You will be offered rice, homemade noodles, chicken, beef, baked eggs, Javanese espresso, desserts and soft drinks.

There are also many high-end restaurants in the city that specialize in Indonesian, Thai, French, Indian and Italian cuisine, with live music, exquisite interiors and excellent service - Gabah, Royal Garden, Androwino, Gajah Vong.

Yogyakarta - Borobodur

Shopping in Yogyakarta

From Yogyakarta tourists bring home batik, traditional dolls, ceramics and silver as souvenirs. The most famous shopping street of the city is Malioboro. For two kilometers there are hundreds of shops. Here you will find the Beringharjo crafts market, the big Mirota boutique store, the shop specializing in carved Indonesian masks, Ciamis and the huge Nadzar gift shop.

For more refined souvenirs, go to the Saptohoedojo gallery, which sells works of Indonesian art, from totems decorated The skulls of defeated enemies and ending with batik on abstraction themes. The walls of the gallery are decorated with portraits of famous visitors - among them John Paul II and the Dalai Lama.

Shopping malls of Yogyakarta are located in Malioboro Mall, Galleria Mall, Ambarrukmo plaza. Here you can find products of all world brands, as well as a lot of counterfeit.

Book popular hotels in Yogyakarta at the best prices

Melia Purosani Hotel Yogyakarta from 3 523 rubles Yogyakarta Jalan Suryotomo no. 31 Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta from 5 513 rubles Yogyakarta Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No. 81 Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta from 5 171 rubles Yogyakarta Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar
D'omah Yogya Hotel from 3 850 rubles Yogyakarta Jl. Parangtritis Km 8.5, Bantul Indoluxe Hotel Jogjakarta from 2 598 rubles Yogyakarta Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar, No. 106 Ngaglik, Sleman Inna Garuda from 3 446 rubles Yogyakarta Jl. Malioboro No. 60
Greenhost Boutique Hotel Prawirotaman from 1 910 rubles Yogyakarta Jalan Prawirotaman 2 no 629, Brontokusuman Hotel Arjuna from 2 229 rubles Yogyakarta Jalan P Mangkubumi No. 44 Grand Zuri Malioboro from 2 376 rubles Yogyakarta Jl. Mangkubumi no.18
Istana Batik Ratna from 1,844 rubles Yogyakarta Jl. Pasar kembang, 29 Puri Pangeran Hotel from 1 391 rubles Yogyakarta Jalan Masjid no 7 Whiz Hotel Yogyakarta from 1 421 rubles Yogyakarta Jl Dagen 8, Malioboro

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Yogyakarta

The philosophy of the city's architecture was that the key facilities of Jogjakarta are located along the virtual line connecting Parangtritis to the coast and Mount Merapi . Thus, the sultans of Jogjakarta provided strong links with guardian spirits of mountains and water . The main attraction of the city is the palace complex Kraton, where you can see the Chamber of the Sultan and his household, throne room, mosques, pavilions . The palace is surrounded by a wall with a length of two kilometers . The palace can be visited from 8-30 to 13-00, paying for entrance 12 500 IDR .

Zapadnee Kraton's park is Taman Sari park, where an elegant mansion called "Castle on the water" is surrounded by the waters of a large pond, the intricacies of underwater and underground tunnels, grottoes and pools in which the sultan's wives and concubines took baths. The park is open from 9-00 to 15-00, the entrance costs 7,000 rupees. Located nearby Sumur Gumuling, the underground "mosque", in former times was used by the sultans of Jokyart for the sacrament of meeting with the goddess of the seas.

. From traditional entertainment, unusual to the eye of a European, Vayang Kulit - Shadow Theater is most popular in Jogjart.

From traditional entertainment, unusual to the eye of a European, is most popular in Yogyakarta Vayang Kulit - Shadow Theater. Plays in the full version last for eight hours. Adapted for tourists options can be found at the Agaste Institute of Art. It is also worthwhile to visit the classical Javanese dance performances or their rehearsals, which are held on Sundays at Craton Palace


In the immediate vicinity of Jyokyarta (42 kilometers to the northwest) is the world-famous Borobodur stupa built in the eighth century era. A unique structure covered with carved reliefs rests on a foundation 118 meters long and rises eight tiers to the sky. On the upper level there are 72 small stupas around the central level, 504 Buddha statues and more than 1,000 reliefs on religious themes are placed inside the stupa.

For many centuries, Borobodur was covered with a layer of volcanic ash and completely absorbed in the jungle.


Another temple complex - Prambanan is located 18 kilometers east of Jyokyarta. The complex, erected in 856, dedicated to the victory of the Hindu king over the Buddhist predecessor, consists of eight buildings. The most famous of them is the 47-meter-high temple dedicated to Shiva Lara Jongrang.