Abbey Heiligenkreuz
Baden, Heiligenkreuz 2 The Heiligenkreuz Abbey, located a few kilometers from Baden, is an indispensable "mast-si" of the region. First, it belongs to the rare Order of the Cistercians, whose philosophy is based on asceticism, contemplation and total absence of unnecessary beauty in the surrounding life.
Beethoven's House Museum in Baden
Baden, Rathausgasse 10 As you know, the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven was not distinguished by his good health and was constantly treated here and there in Europe, trying to get rid of inexorably coming deafness. Here Baden was no exception - to test the miraculous power of his waters, Herr Ludwig was repeatedly decided.
Baden Casino
Baden, Kaiser Franz-Ring 1 Baden would not be a truly grand resort if you did not have a casino - indeed, where else it is possible to lower the quality of treatment on the waters with good cheer "Remnants" of the procedures are ringing coins. The Baden Casino is Europe's largest
Kurzal and Bathen Baden
Baden, Helenenstrasse 19-21 The reason for Baden's existence on the world map, the magnificent old Kurzal and bathhouses - the place Attraction number one of all tourists arriving here. Occupying an area of about 25 thousand square meters. This resort complex will take the leisure of the Baden tourist for a day.
Kurpark in Baden
Kurpark, Baden The exquisite "medical park" of Baden definitely contributes a considerable share in the successful recovery from all diseases and the acquisition of an invariably good disposition of the spirit. Having drunk water and having bought themselves in healing springs, you should definitely come to the local Kurpark.
Karmel St. Josef, Mayerling 3 Hunting lodge Mayerling is a phrase familiar to anyone with at least fragmentary knowledge of European history. Located 6 km from Baden in the picturesque valley of Helenental, the Mayerling pavilion is a testament to the tragic but all that has survived the love
Badel, Weikersdorfer Platz 1
Baden, Weikersdorfer Platz 1 Museum of Baden , named after the family of Rollett, the vast collection of artifacts which formed the basis of the current exposition, is one of the best local museums, a hike in which one must certainly dilute endless splashing in sulphates and drinking water.
Roman Baths in Baden
Baden, Brusattiplatz 4 The Thermal spa complex "Roman Baths" in Baden is a worthy competitor of the historic Kurzala. While in Kurzal reigns an old but slightly outdated spirit of "entertainment on the waters", Roman therms offer effective programs for restoring health without any imperial relaxation there.
That is why the main attraction of the resort could not be anything else than the Kurzal - sanatorium in the sublime sense of the word . Tourists here will meet high ceilings, graceful colonnades and stucco moldings on everywhere, as well as an impressive swimming pool with water sulfate in the open air, even (incredibly! ) equipped with its own sandy beach . By the way, if your goal is high-quality modern treatment without an old-fashioned polish, your choice is the Roman baths . "Mast-si" number two in Baden is again associated with a blissful relaxation - in a kurpark you can spend days strolling among the fragrant rose bushes, podrymyvat on cozy benches and contemplate the sculptures of the noble patients of the resort, one of which was Beethoven - curious as to how the composer lived "on the water" in his house-museum .
Veliky Novgorod's clients of Baden, relaxed in the therms, went to cheer up at the most suitable place for it - the Casino, whose magnificence easily plugs in a belt similar to European podium: pompous moldings, a game room that seems to fit a whole regiment, and as many as two hundred slot machines in the asset - in general, to facilitate the purse here are sought by all available means.
Having joined the imperial way of life, it's time to dilute the sybaritic laziness with a hike through museums, in which the modest but interesting museum of Rollette acts in addition to the Beethoven house mentioned above. An outstanding collection is not expected, but the exhibits are enough to kill the afternoon - a real Egyptian mummy plus an aesthetically controversial collection of skulls. There is also something about the history of Baden.
From the city attractions of Baden you can see the Town Hall, in which rooms are exhibited documents on the history of the city, the Gothic parish church and the Imperial Castle - the official residence of the Habsburgs (they also were not strangers to amusements at waters), as well as the elegant Baden city theater of the early 20th century
And finally, it's worth to get out of Baden to the picturesque valley of Helenental, among which popular attractions are the hunting lodge Mayerling, where some where the heir to the Austrian throne and his mistress, and the oldest in Europe and the largest Cistercian abbey of Heiligenkreuz, among whose valuable relics the particle of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, committed suicide.