Add a tip about gas meters in Vienna

A good example of a utopian society, Vienna gas meters are both a reminder of the past and an embodied future. Four historic buildings of the 19th century, through the efforts of modern architects, have been turned into multifunctional residential, commercial and entertainment complexes. In 2001, the first tenants entered the gas meters, and today only the old facades of figured brickwork and a dial that once shows the gas pressure remind of the industrial past of the structure.

A little history

The gas meters in Vienna were built in 1896-1899 for storage and the distribution of liquefied gas, at which time the Viennese buildings were heated and the streets were lit . At that time the gas meters were the largest in Europe: 70 meters high and 60 meters in diameter . But the development of technologies was on its way, the countries one after another the transition or natural gas, the storage of which does not require such a large capacity, and Vienna has not become an exception . Since 1984, gas meters have ceased to be used and stood abandoned for ten years . In 1995 a competition was announced for their restructuring, which won already four architectural bureau, including the notorious office of the innovative Jean Nouvel, the author of Barcelona Torre Agbar and the Louvre project in Abu Dhabi . In 2001, it was announced the surrender of gas meters - and soon the first tenants arrived there, in addition to the apartments themselves thought shops, cinemas, fitness halls and even a concert hall . Of course, the gas interior of the buildings was completely removed, only the outer walls and part of the roof remained from the original design.

What to see

Four round towers of 70-meter height already attract attention. They are located strictly in a row with small distances between them and more like the traditional Spanish arena for bullfighting. The gas meters are numbered in Latin letters A, B, C and D. Nearby there are modern architecture buildings, one of which, under the name "Shield", is designed to fall and almost touches the gas meter B, and others - the residential complex "Green Homes" - very similar to the whims of Hundertwasser to the present.

On the facades, it's worth to find the white dial - it used to show the gas pressure in the gas meter, but today it just reminds us of the incredible past of the buildings.

Within each gas meter there are 200 apartments, most of which are inside weapons and "looks" into the inner courtyard, where, however, it is always light, as the roof is made of glass. There is also a student hostel, offices, including the city archive, shops, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and a concert hall for 2000 people.

Next to one of the gas meters is a detail of the gas pipeline, which tourists are happy to photograph.

Another worth seeing is a water tower and a gas meter building - they are located here and are decorated in the same historical style.

Address and opening hours

@ Address: Guglgasse 12. The nearest metro station is Gasometer line U3.

You can come at any time: visitors are not allowed to enter the residential complex from outside, but you can see interiors of gas meters through the glass roof of the shopping center. To get inside the gas meters, you need to hire a guide - you can do it on the website of the complex.