Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania is a fairly large city with a population of about 350 thousand . a person . It is located at the confluence of the Monongahela and Allegheni rivers, which together form here the Ohio River . The unique landscape caused a specific layout of the city in which it was formed a lot of separate areas - each with its ethnic composition, culture and architecture . Today's Pittsburgh, so little known to tourists, is the combination of bridges, steep slopes and embankments that make the city one of the most naturally picturesque x in the country . The narrow and winding streets of Pittsburgh, despite its industrial and economic power, often create the feeling that you are not in the US, but in Europe . And cheap food and beer is a pleasant impression enhanced by .

Above the campus towers an impressive Teaching Cathedral, a 42-story skyscraper, built in the style of the Gothic Revival. This is the symbolic heart of the university, the highest building of the educational institution in the Western Hemisphere
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A little bit of history

The first European to be in these places was French trader and researcher La Salle, and it happened in 1669 . The strategic importance of this place on the three rivers caused increased interest in the first settlement by the British, the French and, in fact, the indigenous Indians . Several forts were built during French and Indian wars, and the name of one of them - the British fort Pitt - the city and was named . At the beginning of the 19th century in Pittsburgh the industry began to develop and during the Civil War it was even called the "arms union" . By the end of the 19th century, Pittsburgh received a new nickname - "steel city" .

In 1892 Andrew Carnegie founded his steel company here, which became the largest corporation of its kind in the whole world and made the founder his richest man. Thanks to Carnegie, museums, a library and a university have appeared in Pittsburgh, and many other industrial companies that established their headquarters here have contributed to further cultural and economic prosperity.

The inhabitants of the city speak a special dialect due to the historical abundance of immigrants. Some of his words are so specific that the New York Times once called the city "the Galapagos Islands of the American dialect."

How to get to Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh International Airport accepts flights of many airlines, mostly North American. Nevertheless, you can fly here, for example, from Canada or Paris. Also in Pittsburgh there are frequent buses of several companies. The train can be reached from Chicago or Washington via the connecting line (daily express) or from New York via Philadelphia (also daily).

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Pittsburgh Areas

The most attractive tourist attraction is of course the downtown - Historical, economic, administrative and cultural area. It is here that three rivers are connected.

In the southern East End there is an area that is otherwise called the "second downtown". This is the college Oakland, which once was located on the very border of the city and which Carnegie then turned into a cultural center of Pittsburgh. Here, too, are many institutions, parks, quiet residential and shopping areas. A curious tourist may like to walk around the Shadiside or Squirrel Hill


The Northern East End - once the industrial zone that later became the ethnic center of Pittsburgh. Of course, there are enough restaurants of national cuisine and interesting shops. The most attractive areas are the Strip District (the historic market place for trade), Lawrenceville (the oldest district in Pittsburgh), Bloomfield (Little Italy, although German immigrants originally settled here) and East Liberty.

North Side is the place of concentration of beautiful city ​​museums and the house of the city's two main sports teams. This area is located beyond the Allegheny River in relation to the center of Pittsburgh and was once a separate city.

The south side is a hilly area with wonderful views of the city. The most well-suited for this are Southside Flats and Mount Washington. South-side and its bars are famous.

According to statistics, it is in Pittsburgh that of all North American cities there are the most bars per capita

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Pittsburgh

In Pittsburgh you can see so many amazing architectural masterpieces, that the visitor can hardly decide where to start . Lion's share is located in downtown, but other areas are rich in old houses and churches . This is, for example, the majestic building of a district court and a prison with a high rectangular tower, similar to . medieval castle you can admire the skyscrapers and city - for example, Yu tower . . With Steele, the tallest building in Pittsburgh and "Wan Mellon" right in front of it (the second highest) .The building of Alcoa (it is also the tower of the Regional Enterprise) on 6th Avenue was the first in the world built entirely of aluminum (1953 .) . Also more interesting are the older commercial buildings - the richly decorated "Frick Building" on Grant Street, built in 1902 ., the Coppers-Tower building in the Art Deco style, the magnificent Union Building -Trast "in the Flemish-Gothic style, built in 1916 .

3 things to do in Pittsburgh:
  1. You must climb the funicular to the top of Mount Washington for a wonderful view of the city.
  2. Ride by Fort Pitt motor bridge for the sake of a superb view of downtown.
  3. Go to the unusual "Tunceum" museum in Liberty Venus is one of the few in the country dedicated solely to creating animated cartoons.

After getting out of downtown, it's worth visiting the university area and visiting at least one campus of the University of Pittsburgh . An impressive Teaching Cathedral towers over the campus, a 42-story skyscraper, style of the Gothic Revival . This is the symbolic heart of the university, the highest building of the educational institution in the Western Hemisphere . It started to be built in 1926 . and finished in 10 years, and today the cathedral is visible almost everywhere in Pittsbur e . Very beautiful and the Heinz memorial chapel, which is located on the territory of the cathedral . It was built on the funds allocated by Heinz (ketchup tycoon), in the French-Gothic style . The chapel is adorned with 23 stunning stained-glass windows .

Once inside the North East End, you should pay attention to the Presbyterian Church of East Liberty: in addition to beautiful stained glass windows and woodcarving, it is distinguished by a labyrinth on the territory. It is assumed that, wandering around it, visitors can pray or meditate. Beautiful and Protestant Church St. Joseph, built by the German community in 1872.

Pittsburgh many times took the leading position in national rankings as the best city for life.

The special pride of Pittsburgh is the abundance of museums, including several world-class . In particular, the Carnegie Museum in Oakland is absolutely indispensable for visiting . This is a natural history museum with the largest exhibitions dedicated to paleontology, geology and biology, as well as an art museum with classical and contemporary works . Near is located the Center for Art and History of Frick, where the former mansion of the magnate is also located, now the house museum . In the Strip-district area is the historical Center of Senator John Heinz, the largest state historical museum with six floors of permanent and temporary exhibitions .

Less "classical" and serious museums are in the North Side. One of the most comprehensive museums in the world, dedicated to the work of one artist, is the Andy Warhol Museum. This is the Carnegie Science Center and the Children's Museum of the city (in fact, children like both). Modern art space "Mattress Factory" demonstrates various installations, and a lot of exotic birds live in the national bird zoo

Events of Pittsburgh

Many art events and cultural festivals take place on an annual basis in the city. The best of them are the art festival of three rivers, a folklore festival, a festival of Greek cuisine, a regatta of three rivers and the days of Little Italy. In addition, the Cultural District in downtown with its five theaters can always offer something interesting for the evening, not to mention several more chamber theaters, including the Irish.

Photo of Pittsburgh (21)