On the one hand, there are so many restaurants in Moscow that the eyes are scattered . In the capital you can find institutions with a wide variety of cuisine, from classical Russian to exotic Vietnamese or Thai . And on the other hand, upon closer examination, it may turn out that the choice is not so great as it seemed at first - here the service is very very slow, here - the flies in the soup pretended to be meat, but here and at all for the pathos and pretentious interior design is hidden mediocre cuisine . In general, as in any other city in the world, - places need to know . In than we are happy to try to help . All the places described in this article were tested by the author personally, and the opinion on them was made only subjective . Lunches and dinners were also paid by the author, no fees were received from the institutions .

 Restaurants in Moscow
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To dine in a noble way, or Russian cuisine

It seems logical to start story from restaurants of Russian cuisine . One of these - "The Old Tower" - is located in three minutes walk from the Kremlin, at the Theater Square . In the menu traditional pelmeni with a variety of filling, a lot of hearty meat dishes, from which one can mention Skoblyanka Novgorod , they cook wonderfully game and poultry, among snacks offer all sorts of pickles, marinated herring, red caviar, boiled tongue, The meal is not complete without Russian pancakes and home-made pies . In a word, in this place the soul of a Russian person will rejoice from understandable and sweet dishes, and a foreign tourist will be able to taste, at last, a real Russian cuisine with a merchant's scope . , proceeding from the proximity to the Red Square and the abundance of foreign tourists . A little farther from the center of authentic Russian cuisine can be tasted in the chain of restaurants "Durdin", here a bit more democratic, but the assortment of the same dumplings is more modest .

Often restaurants Moscow is working "To the last client". In any case, even closer to midnight in the center of the capital, you can find where to thoroughly refresh yourself.
Dinner in the dark, Moscow

Italian cuisine

Italian restaurants are very popular in Moscow . It's understandable, Italians sense of food know, dishes are prepared quickly, and pizza can be hearty at any time during the day and night . There are many similar establishments in the capital - for every taste and purse . Good value for money, cozy atmosphere, pleasant interior, friendly service and a decent performance of dishes can but found in the restaurants of the network "Benvenuto" . On average, it is possible to dine supper for 1000 rubles per person . In 2011 in Moscow 4 restaurants of the international network Pizza Express . were opened Prices are more than democratic, and the interior and service , as in a decent restaurant . The menu is small, but pizza and desserts are always at the highest level .

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Bars and beer

In Moscow beer restaurants we offer a wide range of imported beer . A worthy representative of the traditions of German hospitality in Moscow is the network of "Starina Muller" . Huge portions of hot dishes, famous German sausages, traditional snacks "to beer" - here it is possible to conduct quite a "burgher" evening . Of the many institutions stylized in English pubs, Moscow stands out Bobby Dazzler . In the menu - 24 varieties of beer, in the institution - sincerely and eselo . In addition, there are no smokers here - everything is like in England . And by the number of kinds of the draft beers offered, BeerMarket was ahead of all - here are 75 varieties .

High cuisine

Choosing a restaurant for the evening, pay attention to the name of the owner . Restaurants Arkady Novikova (he has more than 30 conceptual establishments) is always an excellent service and an exquisite, carefully thought out menu .The group of companies Ginza Project opens first of all stylish establishments in favor of the public "with claims", and often in cooperation with the stars of show business . And this means that you can go to these restaurants with the hope to meet there the very star: in "Tinatin" to Tine Kandelaki, in "Tverbul" - to Xenia Sobchak, in Leps Bar - to Grigory Leps and at Casino - to Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov . But prices in such places can be above average, please be careful .

Restaurant Buono from Ginza Project

Cuisines of the peoples of the world

In the Russian capital it will not be difficult to taste dishes about the whole world . For example, Thai cuisine is perfectly prepared in the chain of restaurants "Tai-Tai" - with all the necessary acuity, from exotic ingredients and with a tickling nostril aroma . Pan-Asian cuisine at reasonable prices can be found in "Zu cafe" , slightly more expensive, but the interior is more pleasant - in Shu Cafe . Vietnamese cuisine specializes in Vietnamese cuisine, there are also several in the capital . Branded Argentine steaks are cooked at El Gaucho, the menu is based on dishes cooked on grill . American restaurants are looking for signs Beverly Hills Diner and Starlite Diner .

Dark d ела

Fans of thrills in the capital are waiting for the so-called "restaurant in the dark". Here, visitors are invited to guess what the waiter brought them, relying solely on their taste buds. Dinners here are held in pitch darkness. The choice of the menu as such does not exist, you can only desire fish, meat or a veggie set. Pleasure is, I think, an amateur, but many like it.

Of course, at least a thousand more Moscow establishments did not fit on this page . And among them there are ordinary, and good, and very worthy places . The only thing that probably does not get in Moscow is the cozy restaurants of the family kitchen, where 5-6 tables for the whole hall, the owner prepares himself, is interested in your preferences and after the second visit he recognizes the guests in person . For a homely atmosphere I would give a lot, but have to be content with faceless networked institutions s, in which the stiff waiters, alas, just pretend that you are happy to see . But what can you do, globalization ...

Restaurant "White Sun of the Desert" by Arkady Novikov

Author - Gulshat Zakirov