Add a review about the Theater Bridge in St. Petersburg

The Theater Bridge is thrown across the Griboedov Canal at the junction of the canal with the Moika River. This name came from the nearby nearby wooden wooden theater in the Tsarina Meadow (Marsovo Pole), which was built nearby in the 1870s.

The bridge is the leaf of the shamrock, which forms together with the Little Bridge and the false bridge that only imitates the bridge structure. @

At the beginning of the XIX century, the most famous architect of Petersburg, KI Rossi, was conceived to build a palace for Alexander I's brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich. For the successful appearance of the palace, a redevelopment of the area was required, part of which were not quite ordinary bridges, which received the same name - the Three-Bar Bridge.

However, officially their bridges were assigned the same names - Teatralny and Malokonyushenny. Several times the architects of the city developed projects that suggested the erection of one large bridge in place of the two, but these ideas remained on paper. And today the Theater Bridge still pleases residents and visitors of the city with its extraordinarily sophisticated romantic look.

Bridges of St. Petersburg

Address: St. Petersburg, nab. R. Washing.