Add a review about the Alexander Garden in St. Petersburg

In the heart of St. Petersburg, on the site of the former earth embankment in front of the Admiralty is the Alexander Garden. It unites the former Admiralty Square and the Decembrists Square

If the Palace Square is the heart of St. Petersburg, then the Alexander Garden is the face of the northern capital. A very well-groomed person, it should be noted.

This is a favorite place for walking Petersburgers and visitors of the city, where the crowns of ancient trees protect from the scorching sun or bad weather, and walking, you can see the main monuments of the city from the Winter Palace to St. Isaac's Cathedral

The area is solid - ten hectares, and attention to one's own person for all time of its existence the garden has received the corresponding: it was taken care of, it was equipped and reconstructed, and although during the Great Patriotic War antiaircraft guns were located here, not a single tree was cut to the ground and the icy winter of the blockade.

In the construction of the Admiralty, the space around it was the so-called "glacis". This is a specially cleaned from vegetation empty space, which does not allow the enemy to approach the fortress unnoticed. The building of the shipyard-fortress was surrounded by an earthen rampart and a moat. After the Admiralty lost its fortress significance, fortification fortifications remained, and on the site of the glacis a space called the Admiralty Meadow was formed
Alexandrovsky Garden

The present garden was opened for the bicentenary of Peter I. The ceremony was attended by Emperor Alexander II, who was immediately asked for the desire to call the garden his name, to which he graciously agreed. This name was returned to the garden at the end of the twentieth century. Since its opening, the park has been supplemented with pavilions, fountains, flower gardens and monuments. He was repeatedly immortalized in poems, photographs and paintings.

 Fountain, Alexander Garden in St. Petersburg  Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg
Fountain, Alexander Garden in St. Petersburg
 Bust of Nikolai Przhevalsky, Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg  Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg
Bust of Nikolai Przhevalsky, Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg
 Sculpture  Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg
Sculpture "Hercules Farnese", Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg