Samara can be called the City-Sun. The fact is that long ago the Volga River was called Ra. Perhaps this name was invented by the Egyptians, who worshiped the sun god. And now the spilled Volga let go of the influx, which was conceited: "I myself Ra! ". So this word appeared.

And if we turn to more or less reliable sources, then we learn that Samara has been dating from the 16th century. In Soviet times, Kuibyshev - today again Samara.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Samara
  • 2 Samara's climate
  • 3 Transport
  • 4 Beaches
  • 5 Cuisine and restaurants
  • 6 Hotels of Samara
  • 7 Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing of Samara
    • 7.1 Samara square
    • 7.2 Lutheran church
    • 7.3 Iversky women's monastery
    • 7.4 Monument to Vysotsky
    • 7.5 Revolution Square
    • 7.6 "Samara Space"
    • 7.7 Khlebnaya square
    • 7.8 Temples of Samara
    • 7.9 Museums of Samara
    • 7.10 Samara region

How to get to

Those who have their own car, large o lucky: you can come to Samara on your wheels. On the territory of the region and the city pass highways of national importance. Also the city has a regular bus service to Moscow, Kazan, Baku, Orenburg, Saratov, Perm. Intra-regional bus services depart from Avrora bus station and suburban bus station

Fans of clattering a spoon on a faceted glass under the rumble of wheels can use the services of the Kuibyshev Railway and its popular destinations: Samara-Moscow and St. Petersburg. A trip from the capital to Samara in a reserved seat will cost 960 rubles, the ticket in the compartment will cost from 1500 rubles, but for the luxury will have to pay from 2500 rubles, the train goes daily.

Kurumoch airport is the largest and actively developing in the Volga region. From here, flights are made not only to all major cities of Russia, but also to Europe. A ticket from Moscow to Samara will cost passengers from 6800 to 13,300 rubles, the time in the air 1 hour 35 minutes

In the city you can use the services of the river station. The main direction of passenger navigation is the line "Samara - Proran - Rozhdestveno."

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  • Czech Republic - Samara: are there any direct flights

Search for air tickets to Samara

Samara climate

 Samara March 1, Sunday
- 2 ° С in the afternoon
- 10 ° С at night
° С water
 Samara March 2, Monday
- 2 ° С in the afternoon
- 10 ° С at night
° ° water
 Samara March 3, Tuesday
- 5 ° С in the afternoon
- 12 ° С at night
° С water
Weather forecast for Samara for 10 days
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen ok no dec
day - 9 - 8 - 2 + 11 + 20 + 25 +26 + 25 + 18 + 8 - 1 - 6
at night - 16 - 15 - 9 + 2 + 9 + 14 + 16 + 14 + 9 + 1 - 6 - 12

In the spring in Samara it is best to May, although at times this month the streets are polluted after a cold and nasty winter. Yes, local housing and communal services are not always in a hurry to help their city.

You can swim in the Volga from July, which smoothly flows to the most comfortable time in Samara - from August to September. The last cozy month in this city is October. Next come the cold, from which the locals get rid closer to May. The circle is closed

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If you have reached Samara, you should think about what to do on its streets. Here, everyone chooses, relying on their own taste: buses, trolleybuses, trams, as well as a subway and a taxi at your service. You can ride in public transport for 18 rubles or take a taxi, paying 12 rubles per kilometer.

Trolleybus No. 2 connects the railway and bus station. From the street. Kuibyshev to the bus station can be reached by buses No. 37, 46, 47 or 57. And bus number 24 goes from Pl. Revolution to the square. Glory.

Zubchaninovka - the most criminal district of the city, the patrimony of the gypsy clans. Working area - the whole city - Bezymyanka. The homeland of the famous furaga movement. Tourists on Bezymyanka have nothing to do in the evening after dark, and it's better not to go to Zubchaninovka in the afternoon. There is another terrible place - Zapanska district, officially called the Schmidt village, located behind the railway station between the roads and the Samara river. This is without exaggeration the Gorky bottom, with its tramps and lopsided huts.
Multi-Russia: Samara


Samara has a city beach that is located on the embankment of the Volga River. In the city there is also a paid beach KIN.UP, the taxi driver will take 250 rubles for the journey to it. But if you still prefer free rest, then on the city beach you can definitely go for a walk: you can play volleyball with football, and make a mini-cruise along the Volga, and visit attractions, and, of course, sit in a small cafe to drink something hot or hot, and also quench the hunger.

Samara's map

Cuisine and restaurants

To satisfy the hunger in Samara aesthetically, as real gourmets do, it's worth visiting restaurants with an exquisite combination of Russian, European and Japanese cuisines. A high level of service and an equally high level of Eastern cooking will cost about 1,700 rubles per person.

Fans of Spanish and Caucasian cuisine in Samara are also pleased, and the prices in this segment are quite democratic: the dinner will cost about 500 rubles. In the city you can find quite a large number of themed restaurants, appealing to America 20-30-ies, to medieval Europe, and many others. You will not stay hungry for sure, and everyone will find a kitchen here, which he will like both by his stomach and by his pocket.

Hotels of Samara

Those who came to Samara on business should stay in a modern hotel "Russia": it is very popular among businessmen. Another popular hotel "Meridian", it is popular with tourists with modern interiors and high level of service. In addition, the city has a large number of small hotels, very comfortable and with an acceptable price policy (from 1000 rubles per day).

Book popular hotels in Samara at the best prices

Renaissance Samara Hotel from 2 257 rubles Samara Novosadovaya Str.162 bld V Holiday Inn Samara from 3 200 rubles Samara Alexey Tolstoy Street 99 Ost West Club from 2 800 rubles Samara Sadovaya Ulitsa 210 A
Hampton by Hilton Samara from 2 890 rubles Samara Ulitsa Lva Tolstogo 131 Hotel Green Line Samara from 1 997 rubles Samara Ulitsa Sovietskoy Armii 251/3 Hotel Sovremennik from 1 700 rubles Samara Sovetskoy Armii street 238 A / 1
Domik v Samare Hotel from 1 700 rubles Samara Zhukovskogo Street 4 Hotel Brown from 1 800 rub . Samara Koltsevaya Street 79 Korona Hotel from 2 900 rubles Samara Osipenko Str.1
From Samara you can not leave at all, until you
  1. bought souvenirs - the assortment of souvenirs in the city is huge, from decorative magnets to painted boxes . In shopping malls can buy handmade accessories and pictures . In the shops of exclusive souvenirs you can buy clay toys, ceramics, Russian costumes, caskets, Samara toys and much more . Fans of Indian ethnic jewelry can buy gifts to their relatives and make themselves rare goods . Popular and eaten nye, souvenirs typically Samara: beer Zhigulevsky plant candy "Russia" factory (which is here), fish from the Volga, nuts, mushrooms, berries .
  2. visited Stalin's bunker - a favorite route of German tourists. The bunker is covered with legends, many of which resemble uniform fiction. Although, perhaps, indeed, Iosif Vissarionovich did not die in 1953, but just moved here and from the bunker, continuing to rule the country in silence and peace?
  3. Ride a boat on the Volga - this item is not even discussed. One of the most beautiful rivers in Russia should remain in the memory of every traveler.
  4. Met with the Samara girls - they say that it is in this city that the most beautiful girls live in Russia. Such rumors should be checked personally.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Samara

In Samara, you just need to go for a walk around the city and visit the local famous sights. For example, the longest in Russia embankment, consisting of four well-groomed queues. Here you can be photographed against the backdrop of fountains, flower beds, in general, to replenish the standard album, which should be for every lover of social networks "Odnoklassniki" and "VKontakte."

In Samara, the city center with merchant's stone buildings mid-19 - early 20 centuries and numerous buildings in the style of "modern."

Samara Square

It is absolutely worthwhile to go to the Samara Square and the Glory Square, in the center of which the Monument of Glory flaunts - on the 40-meter pedestal a 13-meter figure of a worker with a wing ., Symbolizing the contribution of the inhabitants of Samara in the creation of the aviation industry throughout the country

Lutheran Church is also worth looking at the architectural ensemble in the style of the German Middle Ages, built in 1865 - a Lutheran church. An interesting place for any tourist is Klodt's mansion. It was built by the rich Samara merchant Ivan Klodt. The house with towers, wind vanes and balconies surpassed all the mansions of the old Samara.

Iversky Women's Monastery

It is worth to visit the Iversky Women's Monastery, founded in 1850. The monastery is located on the crest of the Volga coast and is the spiritual center of the city.

"Samara Space" - at first glance, a strange word combination. As if the city once went to space. No, the locals have never worn spacesuits - it is in Samara a museum with this name was opened.

Monument to Vysotsky

Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky - one of the sights of modern Samara. The bard is depicted as a Hamlet with a guitar in his hand. Next to him is the "Black Man" and the figure of the overseer. In the center of the composition is the figure of Marina Vlady, which symbolizes love and the poet's muse. To Vysotsky, the newlyweds like to come to lay flowers and dance their first wedding dance

Revolution Square

Revolution Square is one of the oldest in the city. Until 1918, it was called Alekseevskaya in honor of Metropolitan Alexy, the spiritual patron of Samara. Here were the editorial offices of newspapers, restaurants, hotels, the best in the city deli of merchant I.Sanin

All those who sailed to Samara along the Volga came here immediately

Samara Samara Space Telescope

Samara Cosmic - at first glance, a strange phrase. As if the city once went to space. No, the locals have never worn spacesuits - it is in Samara that a museum with this name was opened.

Its main attraction is the Soyuz launch vehicle, the only one in Europe presented assembled. The museum is located on the pedestal of the monument. Together with the building, the rocket rises 68 meters high.

The exposition of the museum tells the development of aeronautics, the formation of space in Russia, Soviet designers. Here you can visit the airfield, aircraft laboratories, watch films about space.

Hlebnaya square

No less interesting is the history of the Bread Square. It is named so because of the grain exchange, pier and bakery located here. In addition, in the second half of the 19th century, Khlebnaya Square became the main bread market of the Volga region.

Temples of Samara

Temples of Samara: Pokrovsky Cathedral with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. In the city there is the only Catholic church in the Volga region of the Holy Heart of Jesus, the new Cathedral Mosque, the building of the old synagogue (1908)

Stoye Zoya
If you believe in divine powers, you probably heard about the Samara miracle: 31 December 1956 Zoya Karnaukhova danced with an icon in the house on the street. Chkalov and petrified. Eyewitnesses say that she has grown on the floor. Even militiamen were afraid to approach the girl-statue. Not to mention the townsfolk, who in horror shied away from the blasphemer. Zoya could not help doctors - needles broke down on her body.
So Zoya stood for 128 days - until Easter, which revived the girl. This miracle is known as "Zoya's standing."

Museums of Samara

The most interesting museums: Samara Art Museum, Samara Museum of Local History named after Alabin, Alexey Tolstoy House-Museum, Stalin's bunker, Lenin House Museum, Samara Space Museum ( or simply "Rocket")

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Photos of Samara (38)