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The building of the Mariinsky Palace in St. Petersburg played an important role in the political life of Russia. The Mariinsky Palace was the home of the daughter of Tsar Nicholas I, and later became the headquarters of the Provisional Government. Many times the fate of our country was decided here, which is why the palace is sometimes called "political."

Knyazhna Maria Nikolaevna completely refused to leave her husband, Duke Maximilian Lechtenberg, from St. Petersburg to his homeland after the wedding. Nicholas I did not contradict his beloved daughter and began to equip the family palace of the princesses
 Mariinsky Palace, St. Petersburg  Mariinsky Palace
Mariinsky Palace

@ In the middle of the 18th century a plot of land, where the Mariinsky Palace is now located, belonged to Count Ivan Chernyshev. He built his own palace here, and invited Catherine II himself to a housewarming party. It is worth noting that the empress appreciated the house. Catherine liked to visit the count and play cards. By the way, in one of the rooms there was even a personal chair of the queen. After the death of Chernyshev, the building was transferred to the treasury and various institutions were located here. The School of Guards Ensigns moved to the palace under Nikolay I.

The poet Mikhail Lermontov was educated at this educational institution.

In 1839 the construction of the Mariinsky Palace began at this place. Emperor Nicholas I erected a new palace for good reason. He decided to make his daughter Mary a luxurious wedding gift. The house was named after the future hostess. Princess Maria Nikolaevna completely refused after the wedding to leave St. Petersburg for the homeland of her husband Duke Maximilian Lechtenberg. Nicholas I did not contradict his beloved daughter and began to equip the family palace of the princesses

Mariinsky Palace

Of course, the father wanted to create the most comfortable house for Mary . The Emperor personally chose a place on the Isaakievsky Square for the Mariinsky Palace . The building is almost was completely rebuilt, but it was based on the walls of the palace of Count Chernyshev . The architect Stackenschneider . was guided by this project. Only the most up-to-date materials and technologies were used for the construction of the residence of Mary Nikolaevna . For example, tse was always warm, because for the construction of the walls, not marble was used, but sandstone . To avoid the risk of possible fires, the floors in the house were made with metal, not wooden ones .

The exterior of the building was classical, but inside Stackenschneider used a variety of innovations. Maria Nikolaevna suffered from foot disease, and at times it was difficult for her to travel long distances. For this reason, a special ramp was erected in the palace, along which it was possible to pass or drive a wheelchair to any of the rooms. The passage was decorated with a variety of plants, and it became similar to a forest trail.

The Mariinsky Palace opened the St. Petersburg citizens and guests of the city for a free visit almost immediately after the construction. Such an unusual decision surprised the townspeople very much

Maria Nikolaevna lived here until her death . Later her children sold the Mariinsky Palace because of too much debts . The house was taken over by the state . Here is the State Council, the Chancery , Committee of Ministers . After the revolution of 1917, the Provisional Government was located in the Mariinsky Palace, and later the Red Army barracks . During the Great Patriotic War the building housed a military council, a political department of the Leningrad army of the people's militia and the editorial office the newspaper "On the defense of Leningrad" . In 1991, in the days of the August putsch, the center of resistance of the State Emergency Committee in the northern capital was organized in the palace . Since 1994 the city's Legislative Assembly is located .

 Beautiful view of the Mariinsky Palace, St. St. Petersburg  Mariinsky Palace
Beautiful view of the Mariinsky Palace
 Mariinsky Palace at night, St. Petersburg  Mariinsky Palace
Mariinsky Palace at night