Republic of KareliaEvery normal lake has its own legend. Manych-Gudilo scared people with his rumble. Residents of nearby villages quickly came up with different spirits: they would walk and leave. In fact, there were no spirits in sight, and the wind was blowing, which was making a frightening sound in these places.
Reserve Black earths
Republic of Kalmykia @ Reserve with a frightening name "Black Lands" - a well-known refuge of saigas. They come here in early May to show their offspring, and then go on. Why are the Black Lands? Because the reserve rarely had snow, and from space, these lands looked like a gaping hole. And even when the snow returned here, the name decided not to change.
Salt Lake
Yashaltinsky District, Republic of Kalmykia If you study the history of Salt Lake in detail, you can find many stories about miraculous healings. For example, one Moscow couple could not conceive a child. All tried - nothing helps. One day they came to rest on the lake. We spent several days here
On the map the republic resembles a standing horse, which is very symbolic for nomadic people, for who is sitting in the saddle no less habitually than to walk on his own two . There is also his own breed of horses - Kalmyk: stocky, hardy, unpretentious . They are bred in Tsagan-Nur settlement of Oktyabrsky district . Such horses are suitable for work , and as a tourist attraction of Kalmykia on a multitude the country represents stately beauties of Akhalteke horses that are displayed on horse farms in the Yashkul and Tselinny regions .
To the natural sights of Kalmykia include Sarpinskie lakes - the old people of the ancient riverbed of the Volga. The largest of them are Sarpa and Tsatsa, but they, too, being filled with water in the spring, often dry out in summer heat. Noteworthy in the steppe landscape. The Baer hills in the Caspian lowland are elongated hills of extremely regular and uniform shape. There are several versions of their occurrence, one of the most popular of which is that the space they occupied was once the bottom of the Caspian Sea, which, due to some ancient cataclysms, has become much shallower.
No less remarkable is the Black Lands Reserve in Kalmykia, founded in 1990 to study steppe, semidesert, desert landscapes and the Kalmyk saiga population. On its territory there is a unique salt lake Manych-Gudilo (Bolshoy Manych), in the marshes near which are nests and wintering of many waterfowl. The total area of the reserve is more than 120 hectares, its protection zone is over 90 hectares. The reserve has the official biosphere status of UNESCO
Another natural sight of Kalmykia is lotus . At the Caspian Sea, in Lagani, you can see whole lotus fields . In addition, White Lotus is a traditional Buddhist symbol, and Kalmyks is the largest Buddhist ethnos on the territory of Russia and all Europe . Among Buddhists there is an opinion that the Maitreya Buddha will be reborn in Kalmykia . To prepare for this event, Elista is planned to break Maitreya's park, put his statue, and to consecrate the place for khurula Zolotaya Resident of the Buddha Shakyamuni himself visited the Dalai Lama XIV . In general, Buddhists are very tolerant and peaceful - tourists can freely visit the khurul and observe their rites . Those who are close to the Buddhist culture and the spirit of the east should like in Syakyusn-Suym, Elista and Tsagan-Amane .
As for other national Kalmyk customs, much was lost due to the relocation of the Kalmyks to Siberia in 1943. To date, the ability to dance traditional dances, sew national clothes, speak and write in their native language is best known in the Quetchenerovo region, in the villages of Tuktun and Evdyk, at the Shin-Mer farm.